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In the Name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, and may peace and blessings be upon the most honorable prophets and messengers, our Master Muhammad,
The College of Computing and Information Technology seeks to graduate students at a high scientific level and in line with the requirements of the labor market. The college contains three scientific programs for the bachelor’s stage, which are computer engineering, computer science and information technology, and there are also several qualitative programs, such as the Master of Information Security and Diploma in Cybersecurity, to keep pace with the rapid progress in this field and to open new horizons for students to develop themselves and raise their shares in obtaining good jobs. It is not a secret that everyone is aware of the tremendous development of computer science, and thus the college is working to establish scientific clubs such as the Robot Club, the Engineering Club and the Programming Club, as well as cooperating with the Artificial Intelligence and Robot Center at the university to provide courses continuously for students and students to make them constantly aware of what is new in the technology world to facilitate their entry into the market the work. In conclusion, everyone in the College of Computing and Information Technology works for the sake of the student and advancing him scientifically, culturally and ethically.
Dr.. Anas bin Abdul Rahim Bushnaq

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Working to provide an attractive learning environment for male and female students and providing them with the latest technologies of the era in the field of computers in line with the needs of the labor market and community service, and directing the university to achieve the 2030 vision


Preparing study schedules for students and faculty members in coordination with departments and opening the required departments.
Developing final exam schedules and submitting them to the university’s electronic academic system, in cooperation with the relevant authorities of the university, in order to achieve the college’s goal of pushing the educational level of students.
Development of student registration processes for academic subjects and the associated academic movements such as deletion and addition, postponement and apology, in cooperation with the Deanship of Admission and Registration at the University, and under the supervision of the College Vice Dean.
Managing the final exams for the college, forming its committees, and following up the entry of their final results into the university’s electronic academic system in light of the rules and regulations, and working towards developing them in line with the standards of quality assurance and academic accreditation, under the supervision of the college’s administration.
Activating and implementing academic advising by distributing college students to academic advisors to help students solve their academic and personal problems.
Supervising the implementation of the regulations and implementing rules for the undergraduate studies and examinations regulations.
Supervising the progress of the academic advising process in the college in accordance with the approved mechanisms and units and committees of academic affairs.
Supervising the progress and regularity of the study.
Encouraging and supporting the talented and talented people and helping the defaulters to upgrade and improve their educational level.

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Providing a creative and supportive environment for the student and faculty member, which is reflected in the educational level of the local community.

Supporting students by providing the latest courses in computer science through student clubs.

Work to promote graduation projects for male and female students and ensure their suitability to the needs of the labor market.

Concluding agreements to provide field training opportunities for male and female students to help implement learning outcomes during school years.

Encouraging faculty members to provide workshops to male and female students in the field of computers, which are required in the labor market.

Providing faculty members with the best modern teaching techniques to help them present scientific material to male and female students


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