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Bachelor of Computer Engineering

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​​​​​​​​The Faculty of Computing and Information Technology FCIT at the University of Tabuk was established in 2008. The college adopts the vision of the University of Tabuk, where it is expected that its graduates will be highly qualified to participate positively in the development of the Kingdom. In addition, the college aims to act as a means of spreading knowledge, incubation for professions and training the workforce in the Tabuk region in an effective and good manner. At the founding of FCIT, there were three departments: Computer Science, Information Systems, and Information Technology. In 2010, the Faculty of Computers and Information Technology at the university expanded, where the Department of Computer Engineering was established, which aims to graduate engineers specialized in various fields of computer engineering, capable of promoting the rapid development in the Kingdom. It is expected that the department will be able to design, install, configure and operate digital and analogue electronic systems and program them to work in appropriate ways. In order for a graduate of the Computer Department to be a successful engineer who is able to perform his job tasks in an optimal manner, he must constantly familiarize himself with the recent technological developments in the relevant engineering sciences. He must also have a thorough knowledge of the basic sciences of mathematics, physics, general engineering, computer systems and electronics.

Word of The Director

The rapid expansion of the uses of computers in various fields, the increasing growth in the electronics industry and computer devices in particular, the technological boom and the information revolution that appeared recently, have made the specialty of computer engineering one of the fastest developing and distinct fields at the present time. As a result, the Computer Engineering Department was added to the College of Computers and Information Technology. It aims to graduate engineers specializing in various fields of computer engineering who have distinct capabilities, and who can contribute to the implementation of development plans in the Kingdom and the achievement of its ambitions. The graduate of the Department of Computer Engineering obtains an outstanding qualification that gives him the ability to deal with different standards for computer systems, and the Department of Computer Engineering aims to qualify graduates with high engineering skills that enable them to excel, adapt to technical changes in the field of computer engineering and meet the needs of society, by providing students with technical knowledge and skills. And the transfer of the latest methods of technology and applied research by providing an appropriate and integrated educational and research environment that attracts distinguished students and faculty members, and the link between research trends and the needs of society and the state. It is expected that the department graduate will be able to design, install, configure, operate and program high quality digital systems and circuits, install, program and maintain electronic systems.

The department awards a bachelor’s degree in computer engineering after passing the approved study plan for the program, which covers many areas of knowledge that the student needs to qualify for the job market in the various disciplines of computer engineering. The department has taken into account in designing its programs the combination of theory, application and practice. In designing educational plans and curricula, the department has adopted international plans and standards that have been designed by specialized organizations, for example (IEEE) or (ACM), which represent the world's major specialized organizations to develop and innovate the latest technologies in the world Computer engineering

Department Chair of the Computer Engineering 
Dr. Mohammed Alnemari


​Our vision is the vision of our faculty:

"A distinguished and pioneering college in education and research, contributing to serving the community in the field of computers and information technology locally and regionally."​


Providing a supportive academic environment to graduate Computer Engineering professionals equipped with the knowledge, skills, and professional ethics necessary for community service and scientific research.


  • CEN. Goal 1. Equip the students with knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to begin the practice of the computer engineering fields, and to graduate competent and high-quality computer engineers.
  • CEN. Goal 2. Provide opportunities for continuous learning, research and professional development to keep up with the rapidly evolving computer engineering landscape.
  • CEN. Goal 3. Build qualified and professional graduates to enable them to provide comprehensive computer engineering services that meet the society needs.
  • CEN. Goal 4. Provide a high level of community services, and to improve the services in the computer engineering related disciplines.​


​​​​​​​​​You can also view all the faculty members on the college’s home page.​​

  • King Faisal Road, Tabuk 47713​

  • mnemari@UT.EDU.SA
  • 0144562905
  • 2905

Undergraduate entry requirements for 1443H
Undergraduate entry requirements for 1444H
Admission handbook
Graduation Requirements
External transfer requirements for 1442H
External transfer requirements for 1443H
External transfer requirements for 1444H
 Internal transfer requirements for 1442H
 Internal transfer requirements for 1443H
Credits transfer policy
 Internal transfer requirements for 1444H
FCIT student handbook
(Masirty 2021/2022) Student handbook
(Masirty 2022/2023) Student handbook

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