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Faculty of Computers and Information Technology

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Dean's message

Praise be to God who is concerned. Man created his knowledge of the statement, and blessings and peace be upon the best of Adnan's son, our master Muhammad, his family, his companions, and those who followed them with benevolence. In an era that is pervaded by all aspects of advanced computer technologies, the Faculty of Computing and Information Technology at the University of Tabuk is paving its way towards excellence, progress and prosperity, taking it upon itself to produce a pioneering generation, whose personality is characterized by scientific brilliance and skillful creativity. To be a strong competitor in the fields of the labor market, beneficial to himself, raising the flag of his homeland, since the establishment of the college in 1430 AH, it has been walking confidently towards academic and research excellence, with the help of an elite of experienced and competent faculty members, as well as an interactive educational environment that allows students to make the most of all Both teaching and training materials, and national and international standards and standards for academic accreditation have been adopted and applied in a way that makes the college’s outputs compete with other colleges in local and regional universities, with the unlimited support of His Excellency the University President His Excellency Prof. Dr. Abdullah bin Mufrah Al-Dhiabi, and in light of an educational renaissance. Inclusive sponsored by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud. Accordingly, and within the framework of the university’s vision and mission, the College of Computers and Information Technology aspires to excel and lead in the field of computers and information technology locally and regionally, by providing quality education based on emerging knowledge and skills and contributing to creative research to serve the community, hoping to God Almighty for success.

Dr. Majid Mohammed Aburukba


Higher education in the Kingdom recently witnessed great leaps and tremendous development that included all aspects of higher education, and this educational renaissance included all regions of the Kingdom, and from that the Tabuk region received the approval of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, Prime Minister and Chairman of the Higher Education Council, to establish the University of Tabuk to meet the requirements of development In Tabuk region of the specialized university cadres, and this was followed by the approval of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques on what was submitted by the Higher Education Council to approve the restructuring of the University of Tabuk, which included the establishment of the College of Computers and Information Technology at the University of Tabuk, and a section for girls was added to it, so that it includes the following sections: Department of Information Systems Department of Computer Science Department Information Technology, Computer Engineering Department, and the University of Tabuk Council agreed to start studying at the college in the first semester of the academic year 1429/1430 AH, and since this decision was made, the college’s administration has been seeking to achieve one of the most important goals of establishing the college, which is to graduate distinguished qualified people in the field of information technology. The college devotes its efforts to be able to meet the scientific and educational challenges, and the college is keen to keep pace with the rapid development in the field of computer science and information technology to provide the latest technical knowledge to its students.


A distinguished faculty, pioneering education and research, contributing to community service in the field of computers and information technology, locally and regionally.


Providing distinguished education based on emerging knowledge and skills, and contributing innovative research to serve the community.


1. Providing quality university education that meets the needs of the labor market.
2. Conducting and implementing innovative scientific research that meets the needs of the labor market and society.
3. Actively contributing to sustainable development and community service.
4. Contributing to the development of an effective administrative, organizational and financial environment at the university.

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انس عبدالرحيم محمد بشناق

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خالد مفرج فريح الحويطي

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رائد محسن علي الحازمي

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سليم عز الدين بن شعبان

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صالح علي مبارك البلوي

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عائشة عبدالله مقبول الحكمي

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عادل راضي صالح الحربي

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محمد نايف محمد العطوي

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ناراتا تشيلا مان ماهيسواري

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نجود عبيدالله محمد الجهني

أستاذ مشارك

وحيد عبدالكريم علي راجح

أستاذ مشارك

يحيى محمد أحمد المرتضى

أستاذ مشارك

أحمد محمد شمسان صالح

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أسامه شبل عبد الغني يونس

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إيمان الحمروني الحمروني

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ابراهيم سليمان بطاح الخزي

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احمد جمال محمود الخضير

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احمد علي حمود مباركي

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اسامه ابراهيم رشيد القيسي

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اشرف محمد السيد مرعي

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انعام عبدالقادر احمد ابوصابر

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تهاني ريحان جمعان الخديدي

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خالد حماد حميد الخطابي

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خالد ركيان هلال العياضي الحربي

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رفيقة محمد الصالح هرابي

أستاذ مساعد

سلوى ضيف الله سالم الجهني

أستاذ مساعد

طارق علي محمد إسحاق

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عبدالله هندي صويدر الجهني

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عماد متعب رشيدان الحربي

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عمر ابراهيم يحيى عسيري

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عنيتره عباس بشير عباس

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فتحي احمد حسين مباركي

أستاذ مساعد

لبنى عبدالعزيز أبو الحسن الحربي

أستاذ مساعد

محمد حسان منيع الله النمري

أستاذ مساعد

محمد حسين محمد نرمه

أستاذ مساعد

محمد عبد الله آدم المليح

أستاذ مساعد

محمد معوض محمد العنزي

أستاذ مساعد

نوف سعد سلمان الرشيد

أستاذ مساعد

وسيم ساسي المسعودي

أستاذ مساعد

يوسف حسين محمد الفيفي

أستاذ مساعد

احمد يحيي يوسف الاقصم


اروى محمد احمد نجدي


اميرة سليم ضيف الله الرويتعي


تركي جمال صالح البلوي


ساره توفيق عثمان علي


سلطان صالح محمد المعلم


عبدالعزيز مسلم دخيل الله الجهني


عبدالقادر احمد محمد المصعبي


عبدالله عبدالرحمن عواد الحجيلي


غادة حسن عميد البلوي


ليان عبدالرحمن محمد الوكيل


مرام محمد شاهر البلوي


هدى علي عوده العطوي


اروى فهد محمد الحارثي


امجاد حامد حمدان العطوي


دعاء محمد منصور اليامي


رشا خالد عبدالله الفياض


روان سليمان محمد حويان


شذى علي سالم العامري


شروق سالم علي الشهري


عبدالرحمن ابراهيم محمد الكناني


لافي عيد لافي العطوي


منال ضويحي سالم الحربي


منى حماد حمد البلوي


نسرين ابراهيم حسين التيماني


هند صالح عواد العطوي


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