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University Branch in Alwajjh

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Dean's message

In the name of of Allah the Merciful

Praise be to God who taught with the pen, taught man what he did not know, and blessings and peace be upon the most honorable illiterate Prophet, by whom God guided humanity and brought them out of the darkness of ignorance into the light of knowledge and faith.

The University College in Al-Wajh Governorate is one of the many and varied colleges of Tabuk University, which was established by the grace of God and then under the directives of our wise university leadership represented by His Excellency the President of the University in response to the needs of the labor market in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in order to save the efforts of students, and to relieve them from the trouble of travel, alienation and distance from Family and parents.

The University College in Al-Wajh embodies the mission of the University of Tabuk to provide a distinguished educational service, enriched by fruitful community partnerships, and selected academic research and studies that benefit the future of Tabuk and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The birth of the University College in Al-Wajh came in the academic year 1430/1431 AH, and at a time when the governorate was in dire need of an educational institution that would promote it culturally, socially, and economically, and invest the potential of its human energies to contribute in turn to building generations and advancing this generous nation.

Since its establishment, the University College in Al-Wajh has gained its importance through the diversity of its departments, its observance of the needs of the labor market, in addition to its participation in community service, meeting its needs, and achieving true community partnership with it.

The University College in Al-Wajh aspires to implement the standards of the National Authority for Academic Accreditation and Quality Assurance, and to enhance the concept of the learning organization, and the concept of a knowledge society, by exchanging experiences between workers, as the rapid changes require us to take the initiative to transform our educational institutions into learning societies, and to learn how to motivate generations to work. Collective and cooperative, and that we integrate with each other in order to rise together, and build the future of this country with all determination and determination.

The God of the intent behind a Guide to the way ,,,


The city of Al-Wajh is considered one of the plateaus of the western coast of the Red Sea, 325 km away from Tabuk, and it is considered one of the most important tourist areas in the Tabuk region due to its beach waves and islands near the coast in addition to the cultural heritage and ancient archaeological areas of castles, wells and tanks
 Based on the noble directives to expand the establishment of different colleges in all governorates of the Kingdom, Al-Wajh Governorate is considered one of the governorates, Tabuk region is the most densely populated region, and easing the burden of travel and travel. In it, the province is in dire need of an educational institution that will promote it culturally, socially, and economically, and that it invests the potential of its human energies to contribute in its role to building generations and advancing this generous nation. And increase awareness in the province and nearby areas. Since its establishment, the University College in Al-Wajh has gained its importance through the diversity of its departments, its observance of the needs of the labor market, in addition to its participation in community service, meeting its needs, and achieving true community partnership with it.


Excellence in education, scientific research and community service


Preparing a scientifically and ethically qualified graduate who is able to compete locally and regionally to meet the labor market, provide high-quality scientific research and make effective partnerships with various community institutions.


The first objective: to provide an integrated academic education that is compatible with the requirements of the labor market

The second goal: to conduct distinguished research that contributes to enriching knowledge

The third goal: To provide quality programs that contribute to community development

Fourth Objective: To develop and train the employees of the University College in Al Wajh

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مرزوقه عزيز داغر البلوي


ابتسام محمد محمد فيود

أستاذ مشارك

حافظ ابراهيم صالح ابراهيم

أستاذ مشارك

عادل حماد سليمان البلوي

أستاذ مشارك

عامر سمار مفلح الرشيدي

أستاذ مشارك

علي محمد الطاهر مولاهي

أستاذ مشارك

محمد يحيى على حكمي

أستاذ مشارك

هناء محمد ابراهيم هوساوي

أستاذ مشارك

يحي عايض عبدالهادي آل عبدالهادي

أستاذ مشارك

أسماء أحمد علي محمد

أستاذ مساعد

أميرة خليفة الحجري

أستاذ مساعد

اخلاص حمزه احمد الشريف

أستاذ مساعد

حنان ابراهيم رويشد الجغثمي

أستاذ مساعد

ريم عبدالله رافع العمري

أستاذ مساعد

سحر عايش سلامه الشراري

أستاذ مساعد

سعد حمد محمد العمار

أستاذ مساعد

سناء أحمد خليل علي

أستاذ مساعد

شريفة احمد محمد الشريف

أستاذ مساعد

غاصب نايف عبدالعالي العتيبي

أستاذ مساعد

فواز محمد عبدالله الشهري

أستاذ مساعد

مالك خليف مصطفى غرايبه

أستاذ مساعد

محمد أحمد بركات أحمد

أستاذ مساعد

محمد الامين عثمان محمد أحمد مدني

أستاذ مساعد

محمد حسن ابراهيم الشيخي

أستاذ مساعد

محمد مصطفى محمد درويش

أستاذ مساعد

مضيان عواد مضيان الرشيدي

أستاذ مساعد

نعمات إدريس محمد سعيد عمر

أستاذ مساعد

نوف احمد سلامة الحويطي

أستاذ مساعد

هديل عزيز داغر البلوي

أستاذ مساعد

هشام عادل محمد محمد

أستاذ مساعد

وئام قاعود محمد الغبان

أستاذ مساعد

وليد تيمة العبيد تيمة

أستاذ مساعد

أحلام عبد الفتاح أحمد الجهلاني


امل احمد محمد الشريف


راويه عبدالهادي بركه الجحدلي


زينة قابل عبدالرحمن المغربي


ساره جميل محمد الغبان


علويه حسن محمد صديق


عهود حسن نويفل الحويطي


عوض هليل سليمان البلوي


فاطمة حمود حمدان البلوي


ليلى محمد علي القرافي


نوره حمد مسعد الحويطي


احمد رشيد حميد الجهني


احمد عبدالله فايز العوفي


الاء احمد محمد الشريف


ايمان محروس محمد كلابي


خديجة سالم سويلم الحويطي


خلود عبد الباسط على سنيور


رشا حامد عوده البلوي


عبدالرحمن سعود عويض العوفي


عبدالله محمد عبدالله البلوي


علي احمد عوض الحرتومي


عمر ظافر سالم العمري


فاطمه سليمان علي الربعي


فيصل سليمان سالم البلوي


مي جابر خلف الذويبي


نوف محمد فالح البلوي


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  • المملكة العربية السعودية ،تبوك 71491
  • 014 427 3022
  • 014 427 3022

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