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Media memory 

Important instructions for media coverage

Public Relations and Media Unit at Al-Wajh College

This unit is concerned with definition of the goals of the college and its policies and its various activities and outputs in the media and to highlight the academic and administrative role as required and document the overall relationship Bminsobhe external society and the consolidation of positive concepts by highlighting and documenting its relations with the various agencies, and the completion of an annual report on the progress of the college.

Unit tasks

• Defining the college’s role and mission.

• Work to build a positive image of the college inside and outside the university.

• Communicate with the Department of Public Relations and Media at the university to publish the coverage of the faculty according to the available publishing vessels.

• Monitoring what is published in the various media outlets of interest to the college and related to its activities, keeping it, indexing and submitting it to the college administration

• Photographing all the different events and activities, such as seminars, conferences and various student activities, and working to preserve them after they are published by the Public Relations and Media Department at the university.

• Preparing and arranging for receiving guests and new employees, welcoming them and introducing them to the college and its units.

• Receiving the faculty auditors, assisting them and facilitating their task. • Coordination with the Department of Public Relations and Media at the university and the relevant authorities on topics of interest to the college.


It looks forward to achieving the highest levels of excellence and professional quality in the field of public relations, in partnership with the various units and departments.

the message

The Public Relations Unit seeks to enhance communication and build bridges of cooperation between the college and the internal and external audiences to raise the identity of the college and its goals.

The main goal of the unit

Building and developing relations with the internal and external community of the college and the various colleges and all related institutions in a way that serves the academic and administrative goals of the college and meets its need in this field and proceeds from that through its belief in the importance of partnership between departments and units of the college to create a true picture of academic, administrative and community work.​

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