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Dean's message

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, and prayers and peace be upon His Noble Messenger and all his family and companions.
Allah Almighty has granted us with a rational leadership in this Kingdom that has given education the most attention in order to advance the sons and daughters of this country, therefore building an educated generation capable of making change and advancing the wheels of progress and development at all levels. Towards these ends, the Supreme Decree No. 11/71/1433 H (26/2/1434 H) approved the establishment of the Faculty of Pharmacy at the University of Tabuk—allowing it to join its counterparts in the national universities.
Since its inception, the College seeks to provide students with all the components necessary for academic and professional excellence: a high-quality curriculum, educational halls and facilities, modern laboratories and the support of the university administration, headed by His Excellency the University President. This is in pursuit of graduating pharmacists who are distinguished professionally and scientifically, including the production of research that competes with their peers and raises the status of the college at the local and regional levels.
In order to strive for continuous development, the College has set one of its most important objectives: obtaining program accreditation. This will enable the College to improve its output and upgrade its curriculum so it can keep pace with international standards as well as the development policy and mission of the larger university which has recently achieved complete institutional accreditation. Finally, on behalf of myself and the rest of the faculty, I'd like to welcome you and wish you all success.
Faculty of Pharmacy Dean Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Al-Jabri


The College of Pharmacy was established at the University of Tabuk after the approval of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, Chairman of the Higher Education Council, may God preserve him, on the minutes of the Higher Education Council in its seventy-first session, held on 11/14/1433 AH, by the honorable telegraphic directive No. (7385) dated 02/26/1434 AH Where decision No. (11/71/1433 AH) was taken, which includes approval of the establishment of the College of Pharmacy at the University of Tabuk, and its joining of its university system, which contributes to developing the qualitative path of higher education at the University of Tabuk and the Kingdom as a whole and keeping pace with modern development and meeting the needs of the Saudi society of scientific competencies ; Therefore, the officials are making strenuous efforts in order to keep pace with the development and improvement in the educational field, which has an impact on the educational path at the level of the Kingdom.


A distinguished faculty which excels in research, education, and community service


Providing a distinguished pharmacy education that prepares graduates with distinguished professional and research qualifications to serve the community.


Strategic Goals:

First strategic goal: Offer a distinguished university education that meets the needs of the labor market.

Second strategic goal: Support innovative research to contribute to building the knowledge economy.

Third strategic goal: Active contribution in community service and sustainable development.

Fourth strategic goal: Develop an active administrative and organizational environment at the university.

Fifth strategic goal: Diversify financial resources and improve financial efficiency.

Photo Gallery

Organization Structure

Laws and Regulations

Regulation Name \ System Download
Faculty of pharmacy's Students guide for academic guidance
Guide of Faculty of Pharmacy and PharmD Program
Procedural Guide for the Academic Programs and Study Plans
Admission Guide
Executive Rules for Faculty Members’ Grievance at the University of Tabuk
Executive Regulations for Students' Complaints at the University of Tabuk
Student Disciplinary Policy at the University of Tabuk
Student’s Code of Conduct at the University of Tabuk
Students' Rights and Duties
Study and Exams Rules
Academic Counseling Guide
Executive rules for students grievance at UT
Student's Academic Guide
Plan of evacuation in the event of an emergency and disaster
College study system
Student discipline list
Steps to amend an academic rank

College Map




Faculty Members

The Total Number Of All Faculty Members (45)
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رمضان محمود محمد علي

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ريم شليويح حمود الشامان

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صالح فهد علي القفاري

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عبدالله عوده فرج العطوي

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مصطفى عبدالرحمن سيد علي

أستاذ مشارك

نهال محسن أحمد الشربيني

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هبة الله حسيني محمد عطيه

أستاذ مشارك

هلال فؤاد حته حسين

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ياسر محمد فريج العطوي

أستاذ مشارك

أحمد محسن السيد حمدان

أستاذ مساعد

بالاني سامي أمير تالينغام سيداتشتار

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حسب الرسول الفاضل حسن عبد القادر

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منى كامل عيد قيشاوي

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نادر المغاوري مصطفى أبوديه

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نزار سراج الطيب مونه

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هدى عبد العزيز محمد سالم

أستاذ مساعد

وفاء احمد مرعي العطوي


احمد علي محمد الحربي


احمد متروك سعد العتيبي


العنود عبدالله عقاب الخمعلي


تالا طلال عبدالرحمن الكندي


خزنه سعد الكاسب الشمري


رائد ابراهيم عبدالرحمن القوزي


رهف اديب صدقه الجهني


ساير فلاح حمد الحربي


شموخ محمد نور محمد الشريف


ضحى محمد عبدالرحمن الشريف


عبدالله صالح ظاهر البلوي


عبدالله فواز عابد الشريف


عبدالله محمد حماد العطوي


عبدالله محمد علي الوقداني


علي عبدالملك سليمان الذبياني


فيصل فهد حسن النفيعي


ولاء سعد محمد ابو ركية


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