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The Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry is one of the departments of the College of Pharmacy at University of Tabuk, which contributes to teaching, scientific research, as well as college administration. Teaching in the department began with the establishment of the college in 1434 AH. The department's faculty teaches eight core courses and two elective courses.

Word of The Director

The department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry aims to equip students with the Pharmaceutical Chemistry knowledge, understanding, skills and values required to practice the Pharmacy profession and achieve the missions of the program, faculty, and university as well as their goals, and ultimately contributing to 2030 vision. The department uses modern methods of teaching to fulfil the various educational purposes of Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Biochemistry as well as Clinical Biochemistry. The department enables preparing pharmacists with high efficiency and skills to identify the difficulties and problems they encounter in professional work and giving them the ability to solve them with knowledge and research. On the research level, the department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry has many laboratories that are equipped with the latest state-of-the-art  micro-analysis devices. Researchers of the departments as well as its students publish their research results in international refereed journals with a high impact factor.


A department that achieves international standards in pharmaceutical education and scientific research in various fields of chemistry and contributes to community service.


Providing the student with knowledge, skills and competencies in the field of drug design, preparation, analysis, study of the relationship between its structure, effectiveness and stability, and the follow-up of drug metabolism through advanced and updated curricula by a qualified faculty in order to achieve the mission of the faculty.


1. Preparing students to practice the profession of pharmacy by teaching basic and applied pharmaceutical chemistry sciences. These include pharmaceutical organic chemistry, medicinal chemistry and pharmaceutical analytical chemistry, pharmaceutical and clinical biochemistry and drug design.

2. Conducting research supported by the university and other bodies outside the university in the field of specialization and in the department and college laboratories.

3. Providing awareness and consulting services to the community.

Prof. Dr. Kamel Abd El-Rehim Metwally-Professor
Prof. Dr. Kamel Abd El-Rehim Metwally-Professor

Prof. Dr. Mohammed Mohammed Helmy Al-Gayyar-Professor
Prof. Dr. Mohammed Mohammed Helmy Al-Gayyar-Professor

Dr. Hebatallah Atteia-Associate Professor
د. هبة الله حسيني عطية-أستاذ مشارك

Dr. Nader Abo Dya-Associate Professor
Dr. Nader Abo Dya-Associate Professor

  • ​Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry-Faculty of Pharmacy-University of Tabuk

  • 0144563914

Department manual
Pharmaceutical analytical chemistry-CSTF
Clinical Biochemistry- CSTF
Organic Chemistry 1-CSTF
Introductory Medicinal Chemistry-CSTF
Medicinal Chemistry2-CSTF

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