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​​Pharmaceutics is the science concerned with converting raw pharmaceutical materials into various pharmaceutical dosage forms, such as tablets, capsules, creams, injections, and all others. The pharmaceutical dosage forms are chosen based on the physical and chemical properties of the drug substance and its stability and suitability for the patient's use and the disease being treated. It is also based on the speed with which it is needed to be delivered. The department teaches 6 core courses and 3 electives.

Word of The Director

Department of Pharmaceutics is one of the five departments in the Faculty. The department works in integration with the other departments to establish a suitable educational environment for the students at the theoretical and practical levels.

Pharmaceutics is the science that deals with dosage form design and embraces all aspects of the process of turning a new chemical entity (NCE) into a dosage form that can be safely and effectively used by patients in the community.

To achieve its goals, the department of pharmaceutics teaches courses which focus on the theoretical and practical aspects of the physiochemical characteristics of drugs that affect their transformation into dosage forms.

The study in the department includes various courses such as pharmaceutical calculations, physical pharmacy, biopharmaceutics, pharmacokinetics, those that cover different dosage forms (liquid, solid and semisolid), radiopharmaceuticals and pharmaceutical technology processes.



The Department of Pharmaceutics of the College of Pharmacy, University of Tabuk aspires to increase drug effectiveness and reduce its side effects by providing students with the knowledge and skills necessary to design and evaluate different dosage forms, and to conduct innovative research to deliver the drug to the affected place only within the body.


The Department of Pharmaceutics seeks to achieve the college's mission by providing students with the knowledge and practical and scientific expertise necessary to design, formulate and evaluate various traditional and modern pharmaceutical preparations in order to deliver a safe and effective drug to the patient's body.


1. Providing students with the knowledge, skills and experience necessary to design and evaluate various pharmaceutical preparations.

2. Contributing in preparing specialized graduates at a high level of proficiency to work in various pharmacy fields such as pharmaceutical industries, general pharmacies in the community and hospitals while ensuring good pharmacy practice standards in those areas.

3. Conducting and encouraging scientific research based on the actual needs of the Kingdom.

4. Cooperate with governmental and private agencies to solve problems facing the manufacture and evaluation of pharmaceuticals.

5. Support and encourage students wishing to conduct scientific research and support and develop continuous pharmacy education.

Ghareb Soliman,Supervisor of Pharmaceutics Department


​​Dr. Ayman Garwan, Assistant Professor

Dr. Mona Kamel Queshawy, Assistant professor


رهف اديب صدقه الجهني
Rahaf Adeeb Sadaqa Al-Mahlawi, Demonstrator

د. ساير فلاح الحربي -معيد
Sayer Falah Al-Harbi- Demonstrator

  • ​University of Tabuk - Faculty of Pharmacy - Department of Pharmaceutics​

  • 0144563894
  • 0144237748

Pharmaceutics Department Handbook
CSTF Pharmaceutical technology 1444 H
Higher Diploma in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing- Program specifications
1444 CSTF pharmaceutical calculation
1444 CSTF pharmaceutics 1
(CSTF) - Pharmaceutical technology 1443 H Female
(CSTF) - Pharmaceutical technology 1443 H Male
CSTF Pharmaceutical Calculation 1443 H-Female
CSTF Pharmaceutics-1 1443 H-Female

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