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Dean's message

Praise be to God alone, and blessings and peace be upon the one after whom there is no prophet. After ,, higher education in any country represents the locomotive that leads to progress and development, and it is the best way to achieve prosperity and stability for peoples, and the two-year post-secondary community colleges are an important qualitative type of higher education; In view of what these colleges offer of multiple educational options and various training experiences, as well as what they contribute to the graduation of medium technical competencies with appropriate qualifications, and training compatible with the requirements of development plans in the Saudi society, and appropriate to the needs of the local labor market. And the Community College in Tabuk, in its two parts (male / female), is one of the first community colleges to be established in the Kingdom, and has assumed a prominent position by obtaining international academic accreditation from the American COE accreditation body, and we aspire to obtain academic accreditation with the National Accreditation and Assessment Authority, and we aspire to prepare a graduate He is highly qualified and trained, suitable for the labor market in his region, proud of his institution, and the advancement of his country. And Allah is the Grantor and the Helper ....
Dean of the Community College.
Dr. Mansour bin Muhammad Habash


The Community College (with its two branches for male and female students) was established based on Cabinet Resolution No. 33 dated 2/18/1418 AH, which included approval for the establishment of three community colleges in Tabuk, Hail and Jazan, and this decision constitutes - without doubt - a qualitative leap in the path of higher education In the Kingdom, as it provided the opportunity to introduce new patterns in higher education in order to provide specialized scientific cadres that keep pace with the modern development in the Kingdom and meet the needs of the Saudi society for scientific competencies in various fields and at all levels.


That the Community College of Tabuk University be distinguished in terms of education, research and community service.


(A distinct educational community college to graduate qualified human cadres capable of meeting the needs of society and development projects in Tabuk).


1. Improving and developing educational programs.
2. Promote social and volunteer activities.
3. Development and training at the Community College.

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أحمد حمد حمود العبادله

أستاذ مشارك

خالد سليمان زين المحمدي

أستاذ مشارك

خالد محمود حسن القطناني

أستاذ مشارك

عبدالله عوده سليم العطوي

أستاذ مشارك

علي عبدالله علي الشهري

أستاذ مشارك

فراس عزت عقله الكساسبه

أستاذ مشارك

مالك قالط عوض الرشيدي

أستاذ مشارك

منصور علي محمد الغامدي

أستاذ مشارك

أسماء محمود عتيق

أستاذ مساعد

أميمة خليل محمد أحمد

أستاذ مساعد

احمد سعد محمد خميس

أستاذ مساعد

سامي الأخضر الدبوسي

أستاذ مساعد

سامي محمد فرح منصري

أستاذ مساعد

سامية الحبيب تلمودي

أستاذ مساعد

ضيف الله بخيت ظيف الله الودعاني

أستاذ مساعد

كمال مبروك زيدي

أستاذ مساعد

مثقال حمود سالم القراله

أستاذ مساعد

مصعب معتصم سعيد ارباب

أستاذ مساعد

منيه يوسف ودر

أستاذ مساعد

وجيه بن وحيد صالح عبدالله

أستاذ مساعد

ود حسن حسين غبان

أستاذ مساعد

ياسمين جمال محمود حراز

أستاذ مساعد

آلاء واصل حامد الحربي


احلام قاسم سلمان العطوي


احمد ايمن احمد صباغ


احمد ماطر صريعب الجهني


افراح عياد نجر العتيبي


امل محمد عبدالله الزهراني


دلال مطيع عوض المطيري


عبدالله محمد عبدالله اللحيدان


عفاف فالح سالم البلوي


غرضان عناد محمود الغريض


فهد بحيري مضعان العمراني


محمد سعد محمد العنزي


هاله محمد هلال الثبيتي


هشام جميل عباس سحلي


احمد محمد عبداالله الكريديس


اريج عبدالهادي سليمان العطوي


ايمان سويعد سعيد العوفي


رشا مسلم سالم البلوي


رشا مطر عبدالعزيز الزهراني


هند سالم عوده العطوي


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