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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Department of Medical Laboratory Technology was established in ِAug, 2006 at the University of Tabuk by virtue of the Higher Education Council Resolution No. 1426/37/26 and the kind approval of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, Prime Minister and Head of Higher Education dated 05/08/1426H. The Department of Medical Laboratory Technology aims to qualify students who are able to diagnose and analyze many diseases in Hematology, Immunology, Medical Microbiology, Medical Genetics, Histology, Pathological cells and Clinical Biochemistry. The department currently offers a bachelor's program and the graduates of the program are classified as medical laboratory specialists. In addition, The department offers a master's program in Medical Laboratories that includes a track in Molecular Medicine and a track in Hematology and Transfusion Science.

Word of The Director

In the name of God, and prayers and peace be upon the most honorable prophet and messenger, our master Muhammad and all his family and companions.

The Department of Medical Laboratory Technology at the University of Tabuk aims to prepare qualified national cadres of young men and women to practice the profession of medical laboratory technology. The department is providing distinguished programs in terms of education and training at the national and regional levels with the aim of improving the level and quality of health services in Tabuk and all regions of the Kingdom. The department offers a bachelor’s program in medical laboratory technology under the supervision of a number of local and foriegn faculty members with competing skills and practical experience at various scientific ranks. In addition, the postgraduate programs are concerned with raising competencies in the fields of medical laboratories and scientific research. We pray to Allah that we excell in our effort to serve our students  and achieve their aspirations for a bright future in which they are able to serve the dear country.

Dr. Nizar Hamed Saeedi

Head of Medical Laboratory Technology Department​


Educational and research excellence in the field of medical laboratory technology to contribute to community service​​


To prepare distinguished graduates in the field of medical laboratory technology contributing to health services and scientific research to meet community needs​​​​


  • To provide a quality academic operation with the necessary knowledge and skills supported by competence in teaching and learning in the field of Medical Laboratory Technology.

  • To promote research activities and linkages that develop skills in creative, critical, and analytical thinking, for the advancement of knowledge in laboratory technology and to expedite progression to higher levels of study.

  • To develop sound moral values, responsibilities, social and health awareness among students and faculty members so that they may lead and participate in community action for the promotion and preservation of health.

Dr. Nizar Hamed Saeedi
Dr. Nizar Hamed Saeedi-Assistant professor of Medical Microbiology


Dr. Ruqayah Ismaeel Bedaiwi
Dr. Ruqayah Ismaeel Bedaiwi - Assistant Professor of Medical Microbiology


Dr. Eltaib Hassan Ahmed Othman
Dr. Eltaib Hassan Ahmed Othman - Associate Professor of Medical Microbiology


Dr. Osama Mohammed Alamer
Dr. Osama Mohammed Alamer - Associate Professor of Medical Genetics & Molecular Biology


Dr. Reema Mohammed Almutairi
Dr. Reema Mohammed Almutairi - Assistant Professor of Hematology


Dr. Jameel Mohammed Barnawi
Dr. Jameel Mohammed Barnawi - Assistant Professor of Medical Genetics & Molecular Biology


Dr. Faisal Mohammed Abudhuhair
Dr. Faisal Mohammed Abudhuhair - Professor of Hematology


Dr. Abdullah Yahya Hamdi
Dr. Abdullah Yahya Hamdi - Assistant Professor of Hematology


Dr. Khuloud Saleem Almasoudi
Dr. Khuloud Saleem Almasoudi - Assistant professor of Medical Genetics & Molecular Biology


Ms. Fatimah Salem Albalawi
Ms. Fatimah Salem Albalawi - Lecturer of Medical Genetics & Molecular Biology


Dr. Mohammed Ibrahim Alasseiri
Dr. Mohammed Ibrahim Alasseiri - Assistant Professor of Hematology


Dr. Faris Jamal Tayeb
Dr. Faris Jamal Tayeb - Assistant Professor of Hematology


Dr. Hana Abdulraouf Niaz
Dr. Hana Abdulraouf Niaz - Assistant professor of Medical Immunology


Dr. Mohammed Mansour Jalal
Dr. Mohammed Mansour Jalal - Assistant professor of Hematology


Ms. Somayah Mohammed Alfifi
Ms. Somayah Mohammed Alfifi - Teaching assistant Of Medical Microbiology


Dr. Malik Abdullah Altayar
Dr. Malik Abdullah Altayar - Assistant professor of Blood Bank & Transfusion Siences


Ms. Reem Mohammed Alfridi
Ms. Reem Mohammed Alfridi - Teaching Assistant of Clinical Chemistry


Dr. Almohannad Abdulwahab Alkayal
Dr. Almohannad Abdulwahab Alkayal - Assistant professor of Medical Virology


Dr. Eid Oudah Alatawi
Dr. Eid Oudah Alatawi - Assistant professor of Medical Microbiology


Ms. Khaledah Huwimel Alatawi
Ms. Khaledah Huwimel Alatawi - Teaching assistant of Diagnostic Radiology


Mr. Ali Zwayed Alghamdi
Mr. Ali Zwayed Alghamdi - Teaching assistant of Medical Microbiology


Dr. Abdullah Faisal Shater
Dr. Abdullah Faisal Shater - Assistant professor of Medical Parasitology


Mr. Muath Hamed Abdullah Shwikan
Mr. Muath Hamed Abdullah Shwikan - Teaching assisant of Blood Bank & transfusion Sciences


Dr. Zuhai Mohammed Saleh
Dr. Zuhai Mohammed Saleh - Associate professor of Cell & Histopathology


Dr. Nasih AtiatAllah Aljuhaini
Dr. Nasih AtiatAllah Aljuhaini - Lecturer of Clinical Chemistry


Dr. Faisal Hammad Altaimani
Dr. Faisal Hammad Altaimani - Lecturer of Medical Genetics & Molecular Biology


Dr. Bernard Cordero Silvala
Dr. Bernard Cordero Silvala - Assistant professor of Medical Microbiology


Dr. Mohammed Abdulaziz Albelbesy
Dr. Mohammed Abdulaziz Albelbesy - Professor of Medical Biophysics


Dr. Mohammed Fahdullah Anisullah
Dr. Mohammed Fahdullah Anisullah - associate professor of Clinical chemistry


Dr. Walid Elhadi Elzimmiti
Dr. Walid Elhadi Elzimmiti - Assitant professor of Hematology


Dr. Tariq Saad Alnour
Dr. Tariq Saad Alnour - Associate professor of Medical Parasitology


Dr. Adel Yousef Almahi
Dr. Adel Yousef Almahi - Assistant professor of Transfusion Sciences


Dr. AB Rashid Mir
Dr. AB Rashid Mir - Associate professor of Medical Biochemistry


Dr. Jamsheed Javid Asghar Ali
Dr. Jamsheed Javid Asghar Ali - Assistant professor of Medical Biochemistery


Dr. Almutaz Hussain Elsaiegh
Dr. Almutaz Hussain Elsaiegh - Assistant professor of Clinical Chemistry


Dr. Ayman Yousef Sir Elkhatim
Dr. Ayman Yousef Sir Elkhatim - Lecturer of Medical Microbiology


Mr. Mohammed Abbas Sebaie
Mr. Mohammed Abbas Sebaie - Lecturer of Clinical Chemistry


Mr. Regie Deslate
Mr. Regie Deslate - Lecurer of Medical laboratory Technology


Dr. Iram Hussain
Dr. Iram Hussain - Assistant professor Biochemistry

Dr. Marian Eusoya
Dr. Marian Eusoya - Assistant professor of Medical Education Management


Dr. Sarrah Mukhtar Alsaeedi
Dr. Sarrah Mukhtar Alsaeedi - Assistant professor of Molecular Hematology


Ms. Geraldin La Madrid
Ms. Geraldin La Madrid- Lecturer of Histology and Cytology


  • Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Tabuk 71491

  • 00966144562750
  • 00966144562750

Faculty Members Manual
Department Manual
Student Manual
Faculty Grievance Protocol
Examination Review Committee Guide
MLT Lab Safety Guidelines During COVID-19
MLT Quality Assurance Manual
Clinical Training Manual
Advisory Committee Manual
Admission Guide
Plaigiarism Guidelines for Students

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