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Master of Medical Laboratories Program

About the program

​It is a program offered by the Department of Medical Laboratory Technology in the Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences that grants a degree (Master of Medical Laboratories​). The Master is a two year course and research program and it is currently offering a track in Molecular Medicine. The field of Molecular Medicine is one of the most important fields that use molecular technologies to investigate, diagnose, treat and prevent diseases. The program will be offering two tracks in Hematology and Microbiology in the following​ years.


A distinguished and advanced program at the national and regional levels in medical laboratory sciences, scientific research, and community service​​


To graduate qualified specialists in medical laboratory sciences with advanced scientific, professional and research qualifications who contribute to the advancement of the health field and community service

     Fields of work of the graduate of the program

        Specialists of clinical laboratory medicine with opportunities in clinics, hospitals, industry, research, centers and academe.



      ​Degree requirements:

         Passing 47 credit hours distributed over 4 semesters, including ​research project.


      ​Program Tracks:

  • Molecular Medicine Track.
  • Hematology and Transfusion Medicine Track (under​​ approval).
  • ​​​Medical Microbiology Track (under approval).


      ​Mode of Study:

         All classes are scheduled to be in evening times for three days a week​

     Study plan​:

Master's Degree Plan of Study

​      Contacts:

​Office number
​Dr. Nizar Hamed Saeedi
​Medical ​Laboratory Master Program​ Supervisor
​Dr. Osama M. Alamer
Medical ​Laboratory Master Program Coordinator
(Molecular Medicine Track)

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