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About Deanship

The Institute of Research and Consultation at the University of Tabuk is the contractual interface and business center for all units and facilities of the university in terms of providing advice and scientific and research services to the public and private sectors, and it is a scientific, research, and service center characterized by sobriety, a sophisticated level of knowledge and high professional craftsmanship. The Institute for Research and Consultation was established under the approval of the High Commissioner on the minutes of the sixty-second session of the Higher Education Council held on 12/29/1431 AH, according to which the institute has the right to conduct studies and provide scientific and research consultations and services paid for for all governmental and private sectors. Our capabilities are characterized by a strong and integrated scientific and research system in the various disciplines in terms of comprehensiveness, diversity and extensive experience in addition to a group of experts and qualified at the highest level, in addition to the enormous infrastructure of the university, which contributes to the provision of distinguished services to foreign companies in addition to all fields.




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Dean's word

Thank god; What guided us for this and we would not have been guided without God guiding us, and prayers and peace be upon our noble Messenger, and after: We are all required to do our best and to mobilize our creative energies to achieve the vision and hopes of our beloved country in achieving comprehensive development in all fields. Through the Institute of Research and Consulting at the University of Tabuk, we are working on Achieving the applied aspect of the university’s mission to provide distinguished research services and consultations, and to provide the appropriate climate for the completion of scientific research and studies, and to contribute to the development of society and the achievement of progress and prosperity. The Research and Consulting Institute at Tabuk University is also the link between the university and the governmental and private sectors of society, by contributing to the provision of comprehensive development in the humanitarian sectors and the infrastructure for development projects, research, scientific advice and training for all sectors. The Research and Consulting Institute seeks to employ, develop, and deepen the university’s research capabilities. Professional, advisory and supervisory; To serve the productive and service sectors of society, we are the beating heart that encourages the creative ideas of university researchers and provides the necessary support to implement them in the interest of society. May God help us all to what he loves and pleases.





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