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Research of Sensor Networks and Cellular Systems

About Center

The center was established with the support of the Ministry of Higher Education through the contract concluded between Tabuk University and the Ministry on 3/24/1432 AH corresponding to 02/27/2011 AD.


The Sensor Networks and Cellular Systems Research Center aspires to be among the leading centers for research and development in the fields of sensor networks and wireless communications


The Sensor Networks and Cellular Systems Research Center is committed to conducting research and providing specialized and distinguished services in the field of sensor networks and cellular systems that benefit society.


Maintaining an agile management structure that covers the core functions of the center
Retaining distinguished researchers and enriching their capabilities
Focusing on relevant and meaningful applied research and development
Maintaining a strong and diverse portfolio of accomplishments
Providing effective service to society

Center Manager

The center seeks innovative research and development in sensor networks and cellular systems and their applications in areas that directly benefit the Saudi society. As members of the Center, this pursuit is our goal and priority. We are passionate about creating and harnessing technology developments that contribute to enhancing the quality of life, resource sustainability and economic prosperity in line with the Kingdom's 2030 vision. We also collaborate with prominent researchers from all over the world to create lasting mutual benefits. The center's home page is only a starting point. Contact us to access the center's encyclopedia.

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  • المملكة العربية السعودية ، جامعة تبوك، تبوك 71491
  • 0144564063-0144564064

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