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وحدة قياس الاداء الجامعي

Content Editor

Unit tasks 

1- Establishing a mechanism for measuring each indicator and determining the future goal in terms of the method of calculation, the data provider, the data collection tool, who is responsible for it, the period in which to be measured, and the beneficiary of the indicator

2- Communication and coordination with the different agencies and units of the university to collect and analyze the values ​​of performance indicators

3- Updating and developing the list of key performance indicators required to evaluate institutional performance

4- Update the priorities for the implementation of improvement plans and prepare the university's annual improvement plan in light of the values ​​of performance indicators, and define a mechanism to follow up on its implementation and determine who is responsible for implementation

5- Analyzing the current status of performance indicators values ​​and identifying the gap between reality and target, as well as between reality and measurement standards recognized locally and internationally

6- Preparing a quarterly / annual report on the values ​​of the benchmark performance indicators and submitting it to the Higher Committee to measure university performance for approval, approval of improvement plans and publishing it to all beneficiaries

7- Communicating with the authorities and collecting data according to the nature of the performance indicator data, either quarterly or annually

Indicators review and validation

8- Comparing performance indicators with internal and external reference bodies to identify weaknesses and strengths with the values ​​of performance indicators

9- Preparing and preparing the unit file and all the evidence and evidence it contains to form an independent database

10- Working on developing an electronic system to collect performance indicators and verify them electronically

11- Gathering evidence and evidence on the values ​​of performance indicators and verifying their validity

12- Preparing and disseminating a guide to performance indicators for all beneficiaries

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