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اللجنة الدائمة للتطوير والجودة لفروع الجامعة

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Functions of the Permanent Committee for Development and Quality of the University Br​anches

  1. Supervising the implementation of the self-evaluation study for Tabuk University in the branches.

  2. Preparing and introducing the institutional academic accreditation project in all branches of the university through informing students, faculty members, employees, and others from the concerned authority about the study and the opportunities available to them to contribute to it.

  3. Make the necessary arrangements to plan and implement any tools that may be required to obtain the opinions of some related parties such as students, faculty members, employees and alumni.

  4. Collecting performance indicators and data for the university's branches related to the eleven quality standards and providing the Planning and Drafting Committee with them.

  5. Conducting some interviews with branch supervisors and faculty members to ask some questions and distribute questionnaires to find out their views regarding the current situation and compare it with good practices for standards, in addition to providing the planning and drafting committee with the results.

  6. The work of some focus groups for branch supervisors and faculty members to fill out the evaluation scales forms for institutional academic accreditation and to provide the Planning and Drafting Committee with these forms.

  7. Description of the steps followed in setting the strategic plans and goals for the university branches, preparing a report on the progress towards achieving those goals, and evaluating the effectiveness of the monitoring, planning and achievement mechanisms.

  8. Evaluating the work of the quality and academic accreditation units in the branches of the university by examining the information and reports received from those units and the results of focus groups and questionnaires.

  9. Identifying the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the university's branches, the areas that need improvement, and the priorities for improvement.

  10. Work to follow up on improvement recommendations submitted by the Planning and Drafting Committee.

  11. Planning between the sub-committees and branches of the university in matters related to the development study of the institutional academic accreditation project.

  12. Preparation and making all necessary preparations for the visit of the external auditors.

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