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The President of the University

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I warmly welcome you to the University of Tabuk website, which reflects the university's efforts to advance and build its career, highlighting its potential and achievements, and allowing distinguished visitors to take advantage of its consultations, programs, courses, workshops, lectures, and other activities.

The University of Tabuk is a scientific institution that is supported and cared for by the custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and his Crown Prince; may Allah protect them.

The community may communicate with the university and keep up with its events, activities, and announcements by visiting the University of Tabuk website.

The university's website provides access to the administrations, vice-presidencies, colleges, faculties, deans, and departments, as well as the university's organizational structure, electronic programs development and expansion, and, in particular, the complete shift to electronic dealings with faculty members, students, and employees in various academic scientific and administrative fields.

The university's ambitions for electronic programs don't end there; they continue to push for a paperless university to save time, effort, and money.

I am delighted to contact you through this website, and I hope the University of Tabuk can provide you with something unique.

Peace and mercy and blessings of Allah be upon you.

Administrative experiences

• Director of the University of Tabuk, starting from 01/13/1439 AH.

• The Vice-President of King Abdulaziz University for Educational Affairs, starting from 1/4/1438 AH to 1/12/1439 AH

• Vice President of Tabuk University from 11/1431 AH to 11/1434 AH.

• Adviser to the Vice Dean of King Abdulaziz University for Educational Affairs 1435 AH - 1438 AH.

Member of the Scientific Committee of the First Scientific Conference.

• Supervisor of the Cultural Committee of the College of Science at King Abdul Aziz University.

• Member of the Supreme Committee for the Study of the Status of Girls' Colleges in the Kingdom at the Ministry of Higher Education.

• Member of the Committee to Study the Status of Community Colleges in the Kingdom, formed by a decision of the Minister of Higher Education.

• Member of the advisory committee of the University of Tabuk.

Member of the permanent committee to appoint teaching assistants and lecturers at the University of Tabuk to 11/1434 AH.

Chairman of the Standing Committee for Safety Works at the University of Tabuk to 11/1434 AH.

Member of the Standing Committee for Scholarships and Training at the University of Tabuk to 11/1434 AH.

• Chairman of the Bid Examination Committee from 11/1431 AH to 11/1434 AH.

Chairman of the Committee for Job Promotions and Competitions at the University of Tabuk to 11/1434 AH.

• Chairman of the Student Disciplinary Committee at the University of Tabuk to 11/1431 AH.

Member of the permanent committee to prepare the annual report of the University of Tabuk to 11/1434 AH.

Member of the Quality Committee at the University of Tabuk to 11/1434 AH.

• Dean of Student Affairs at the University of Tabuk from 3/1429 AH to 11/1431 AH.

• Dean of Community College at the University of Tabuk from 7/1429 AH to 3/1431 AH.

Member of the scientific committee for the first scientific conference for male and female students of higher education to 11/1431 AH.

• Head of the Mathematics Department, Faculty of Science, University of Tabuk, from 4/1431 AH to 4/1432 AH.

• Chairman of the Student Fund Council at the University of Tabuk from 3/1429 AH to 11/1431 AH.

• Supervisor of the Cultural Committee at the College of Science at King Abdul Aziz University to 1429 AH.

scientific certificates

• 1998: Bachelor's degree from the Department of Mathematics, College of Science, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

• 2002: Masters degree from Mathematics Department, College of Science, University of Missouri, Kansas City, USA.

• 2005: Doctorate degree from the Department of Mathematics, College of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK.

Previous experience

• 1998 - 1999: Teaching Assistant, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

• 2005-2010: Assistant Professor, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

• 2010-2014: Associate Professor, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

• 2014 - present: Professor, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

Committee Membership

Research interests

• finite groups theory, group representation theory, classification of finite simple groups.

Scientific research

1. A. Al-roqi and P. Flavell. On the Fitting height of a soluble group that is Generated by a conjugacy class of 3-elements. Bull. London Math. Soc., 39(6): 973-981, 2007.
2. A. Al-roqi and P. Flavell, On the Fitting height of a soluble group that is generated by a conjugacy class of 3-elements (ii). Journal of Algebra, 319(1):4325-4337, 2008.
3. A. Al-roqi, Finite soluble group generated by the conjugacy class of an involution. Communication in Algebra, 37: 2040–2051, 2009.
4. A. Al-roqi, Soluble Signalizer Functors. International Journal of Algebra, (3) 12, 559 – 565, 2009.
5. A. Al-roqi and P. Flavell, Soluble group generated by two conjugates of an element of order 3. Communication in Algebra, 38: 3511-3520, 2010
6. A. Al-roqi, On the representation of finite soluble groups. Journal of Group Theory, 14: 83–91, 2011.
7. A. Al-roqi, The solubility of the groups of the form ABA. The Open Mathematics Journal, 2: 36-37, 2009.
8. G. Muhiuddin and A. Al-roqi, On t-Derivations of BCI-Algebras. Abstract and Applied Analysis, Article ID 872784, 12 pages, 2012.
9. G. Muhiuddin and A. Al-roqi, On (?, ?)-Derivations in BCI-Algebras. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, Article ID 403209, 11 pages, 2012.
10. Young Bae Jun, G. Muhiuddin and A. Al-roqi, Ideal Theory of BCK/BCI-algebras Based on Double-framed Soft Sets. Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences, Sci. 7, no.5, 1879-1887, 2013.
11. G. Muhiuddin, A. Al-roqi and M. Irfan, On the Category of Pointed G-Sets. Int. Journal of Math. Analysis, Vol. 7, no. 2, 65 – 71, 2013.
12. A. Alotaibi and A. Alroqi, Statistical convergence in a paranormed space. Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 39, 2012.
13. S. Almezal, A. Alroqi and M. Khamsi, One-local retract and common fixed point in modular function spaces. Fixed Point Theory and Applications, 109, 2012.
14. G. Muhiuddin and A. Al-roqi, Some results on (?, ?)-derivations in BCI-algebras. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 71, 2012
15. A. Al-roqi, On generalized (?, ?)- Derivations In BCI-Algebras. J. Appl. Math. & Informatics Vol. 32, 2014,
16. G. Muhiuddin and A. Al-roqi, On left ( ? , ?)-derivations in BCI-algebras. Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society, 2013.
17. G. Muhiuddin, A. Al-roqi, Young Bae Jun, and Yilmaz Ceven, On Symmetric Left Bi-Derivations in BCI-Algebras. International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, Article ID 238490, 6 pages, 2013.
18. I. Ahmad, A. Al-roqi and G. Muhiuddin, Non-differentiable minimax fractional programming with higher-order type I functions. Journal of Inequalities and applications, 2013:484.
19. G. Muhiuddin and A. Al-roqi, On generalized left derivations in BCI-algebras. Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences, Sci. 8, no.3, 1-6, 2014.
20. A. Al-roqi, Double-framed soft filters in CI-algebras. Kyungpook Math Journal. Vol.54, no.1, 143-153, 2014.
21. A. Al-roqi, Duality in minimax fractional programming problem involving nonsmooth generalized (F, ?, ?, d)-convexity. Accepted in Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences.
22. G. Muhiuddin, A. Al-roqi, Kyoung Ja Lee and Young Bae Jun, Generalizations of derivations in BCI-algebras. Accepted in Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences.
23. A. Alroqi, Unisoft hypervector spaces. Journal of Applied Mathematics. Article Number: 418702, 2014.
24. A. Alroqi, Double-framed soft filters in CI-algebras. Journal of Applied Mathematics. Article Number: 418702, 2014.
25. G. Muhiuddin, A. Al-roqi, Subalgebras of BCK/BCI-algebras based on (alpha, beta)-type of fuzzy sets. Accepted in Journal of computational analysis and applications.

Scientific lectures

• Lie Groups, 2002, University of>• A series of talks on Signalizer Functor Theorem, 2004, University of Birmingham.

• Finite soluble groups generated by a conjugacy class, July 2005, University of Birmingham.

• On the representations of finite soluble groups, March 2006, King Fahad University of Petroleum and Minerals.

•• The representation of finite groups. March 2007, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah.

Scientific Conferences

Authored books

Hafez House, 1429 AH.
• Dr. Abdullah Al-Otaibi and Prof. Mohammed Al-Ghamdi and d. Abdullah Al-Roqi, Al-Shamil in Calculus (Part 1).

Hafez House, 1431 AH.
• Dr. Abdullah Al-Otaibi and Prof. Mohammed Al-Ghamdi and d. Abdullah Al-Roqi, Al-Shamil in Calculus (Part Two).

Scientific visits

• University of Birmingham, United Kingdom, 2006/07.

• University of Birmingham, UK, 2007/07.

University of Chicago, United States of America, 07/2008.

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