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Associate Professor of Accounting at the college
Dr.. Muhammad Ahmad Ramadan

an introduction

The Graduate Studies and Scientific Research Unit at the college plays an important role in achieving the university’s mission, which came based on local and international academic and social references to achieve advanced scientific and academic levels, and in the field of scientific research to reach the ranks of leading colleges, and it also works to provide an attractive environment for creativity in educational outputs.

Vision and Mission

Vision: To
achieve research excellence locally and internationally.

Working to provide an advanced research environment that meets the needs of society and contributes to the success of development, to enhance the university's role locally and globally in research and innovation.


The Graduate Studies and Scientific Research Unit at the College has identified a set of main goals that enable it to achieve its vision and mission, and these goals are limited to the following:

1. Efficiency and excellence in work through updating and developing mechanisms and procedures for research activities.

2. Developing the research skills and creativity and innovation of faculty members in the faculty and motivating them to conduct distinguished research in light of the specific research areas and the university's strategies.

3. Prepare appropriate mechanisms to link the university with the private sector in terms of research activities.

4. Urging to benefit from the university's funded research program by focusing on technical support in the presented research projects.

Unit activities

A scientific paper entitled The role of scientific research in the advancement of countries in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as a model,

held at the University College in Duba on Tuesday 7 Rabi` Al-Awwal 1438 AH corresponding to December 6, 2016 AD, the first scientific session of the Scientific Research Unit, with a paper entitled The role of scientific research in the progress of countries in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as a model The session was sponsored by His Excellency the Dean of the University College in Duba, Dr. Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al-Sharif, and the session was chaired by the Vice Dean of the College, Dr. Abdul Basit Abdel Rahim Mahmoud, and the paper was presented by Dr. Mohamed Ahmed Ramadan, Associate Professor of Accounting and Unit Coordinator at the College. The paper was followed by His Excellency the Vice Dean for Development and Quality, Dr. Mohammed bin Ahmed Al-Faidi. The paper and the method of presenting it, managing and commenting on it found a good echo among the attendees of the faculty and staff in the college. The session concluded the importance of such scientific meetings and the need to spread them among those interested in the local community in Duba.

A scientific paper entitled The role of scientific research in the advancement of countries in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as a model,
(Female Section)
was held at the University College in Duba, Female Section, on Thursday 3 Safar 1438 AH corresponding to November 3, 2016 AD The scientific session of the Scientific Research Unit, with a paper entitled The role of scientific research in the progress of countries The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a model, and the session was sponsored by the Vice Dean of the University College in Duba, Prof. Alia Al-Gohary, presented by Dr. Sahar Abdel-Razek, Supervisor of the Unit in the Female Section, during the workshop the importance of scientific research and its role in economic progress was introduced. During the workshop, the Kingdom's vision 2030 in the field of scientific research was reviewed.

A training course for female graduates on scientific research at the University College in Duba
The Vice Deanship of the University College in Duba for Development and Quality represented by the Scientific Research Unit (later called the College Agency for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research), in cooperation with the Female Graduates Unit in the Female Section, conducted a training course on Monday and Tuesday 14-15 / 6/1438 AH corresponding to 13-14 / 3/2017 How to write scientific research. The course targeted college graduates and educational diploma students. Three papers were presented in the session by Dr. Mohamed Ahmed Ramadan, supervisor of the scientific research unit at the faculty, Dr. Tahani Al-Rifai, supervisor of the female graduates unit, and Dr. Sahar Abdel Razek, coordinator of the scientific research unit in the female section. The course has found a good response, represented in the active participation of the trainees, who have confirmed their benefit from this course and recommended its repetition for its continuous benefit.

The fourth scientific session of the College Vice Deanship for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research
Seminar, Ms. Amani Muhammad Salim Al-Huwaiti, Department of Languages ​​and Translation
The University College in Duba, Female Section, held on Monday 16 Jumada Al-Awwal 1438 AH corresponding to February 15, 2017 AD, with the honor of the Vice-Dean of the College in the Female Section, Professor Alia Salman Al-Gohari, the fourth scientific session of the Scientific Research Unit, with a presentation by Professor Amani Muhammad Salim Al-Huwaiti, lecturer in the Department of Languages ​​and Translation of her research for the MA at the University The paper and its presentation were well received by the attendees who interacted with the research topic.

The Fifth Scientific Session of the College Vice Deanship for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research
Seminar Professor Fayza Eid Al-Balawi, Teaching Assistant at the Department of Medical Laboratories, on her MA research
The University College in Duba was held on Tuesday 7 Jumada Al-Thani 1438 AH corresponding to March 21, 2017 AD, with the honor and presence of the Dean of the University College in Duba, Dr. Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al-Sharif, and the presence of His Excellency the Vice-Dean of the College in the Female Section, Ms. Alia Salman Al-Gohary, the fourth scientific session of the Scientific Research Unit, with a presentation by Professor Fayza Eid Al-Balawi Demonstrator at the Medical Laboratory Department for her MA research at the University of Salford Manchester, USA, entitled: Modulation of embryonic stem cells transcription factors in wound healing. The paper and its presentation found the approval of the attendees who interacted with the topic of the research. The presentation was attended by a large group of faculty members from both male and female students.

A scientific paper entitled The role of scientific research in the development of countries in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as a model,
(Female Section)
On Sunday, 16 Rajab 1439 AH corresponding to April 1, 2018 AD, a scientific session was held at the University College in Duba, the Female Section, for the Graduate Studies and Scientific Research Unit, with the honor of the Dean of the University College in Duba, Dr. Muhammad bin Ahmed Al-Faidi, entitled Steps and Procedures for Scholarships, presented by Dr. Muhammad Ahmad Ramadan, the supervisor of the unit, and during the session the steps and procedures for scholarships were introduced from searching for acceptance and steps for financial security until reaching the study site and dealing with attachés in case of external scholarship, and the session came out with recommendations that contributed Her Excellency Mrs. Alia El Gohary, Vice Dean of the University College in Duba in the Female Section, and Dr. Tahani Al-Rifai actively participated in it.

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