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Dr.. Faraj  Muhammad Abdul- Maqsoud Al-  Talbawi
Associate Professor of Organic Chemistry at the College
Academic counseling is a professional service that aims to identify the problems that hinder the student’s ability to achieve academic achievement and coexist with the requirements of university life. Help and support are provided by familiarizing students with their academic responsibilities and urging them to make a lot of effort in solving academic and personal problems that hinder the achievement of their goals. Educational, and this is done by providing students with various academic skills that raise their academic achievement and achieve their scientific ambitions.

Vision and mission


That the Academic Advising Unit in the College be a distinguished and pioneering unit at the university level in providing advisory services to male and female students, managing and developing them.


Providing integrated academic counseling services to students in the college with the aim of graduating students who have a high ability to adapt academically, socially, psychologically, culturally, behaviorally and religiously, to become good members and members who are good in building society and serving their Islamic nation


1. Academic advising is one of the strongest pillars of the entire learning process. The Academic Advising Unit at the University College in Duba has implemented various programs and activities.

2. A meeting with the heads of departments in both parts of the college where many issues and plans for academic advising and individual and bilateral meetings were discussed with those who have inquiries or questions from the academic advisors

3. Provide the heads of departments and academic advisors with a copy of the academic advisory guide issued by the University Agency for Branches - University of Tabuk

4. Preparing a plan for academic advising with the accompanying and updated forms of the plan and distributing it to the academic advisors and department heads, Soft version.

5. Assigning lists of advisory groups to academic advisors from faculty members, each according to his specialization

. 6. The Academic Advising Unit receives lists of students' names of advisory groups from the Academic Affairs Unit at the college.

The academic advisors

did the following:

1. The academic advisors met with their advisory groups, and during these meetings the following took place: 2. Students were introduced to their academic advisor.

3. Familiarizing students with their need for guidance and encouraging them to review the counselor at any time during office hours.

4. Fill out the forms for counting students ’personal data.

5. Determine a coordinator for each counseling group.

6. Fill out the forms for defaulting students and decisions for faltering.

7. Preparing a file for each advisor group that includes all the work carried out by the academic advisor, including meetings, activities, and models with his extension group

8. Follow-up to the academic advisor for his extension group

9. Putting together a list of students ’names and their academic status in terms of being delinquent, excelling, or late in studies, and a plan will be developed to help those who defaulted. In the next few days, in coordination with the mentor, the head of the department, and the course professor


11. Solving students ’daily academic problems in cooperation with the college’s administration and other units in the college.

Commonly used terminology

The termthe definition
Academic yearIt consists of two semesters (the first semester - the second semester) and a third semester is added to them in which all students are not obligated to register and it is called the summer semester.
University IDUniversity number indicating the academic year and the semester in which the student started studying, plus the student’s serial number in that year
SemesterIt is an estimated time period of sixteen weeks, which includes hours of study and exams
study planAll courses taught by the student to enable him to obtain an academic degree in a specific discipline
The courseSpecific curriculum goals and content that deals with a topic for an entire semester and is distinguished by name, symbol, and number
Academic recordIt is a transcript showing the courses that the student has studied in the sequence of semesters and the grades he has achieved, as well as the cumulative and semester average for each semester
University requirementsA set of study materials approved by the university for all its students, which are consistent with the university's goals
College requirementsThe set of subjects that all students study in the college, regardless of their specializations, in order to provide them with a basic base of information
Major requirementsIt is a group of study subjects that belong to one field of science and human knowledge, and it is unique to students of the same major in the college
The indicative cardIt is a statement of the courses students are required to study that have not yet been completed, and they can be registered
Academic advisorHe is the faculty member chosen by the academic department in the college to guide the student in the registration, deletion and addition process for each semester and continues his scientific career from entering the university until his graduation
Delete and addThey are the processes of deleting, adding or changing classes or appointments that take place in the first week of the semester with specific dates
Semester averageIt is the average of the grades of the courses that the student studied with success and failure in one semester, where the grades of each course are multiplied by the number of credit hours, then the multiplication results are added and divided by the total hours that the student registered in the semester.
Cumulative averageIt is the average of the grades of the courses that the student studied, with success and failure, until the last semester he completed his studies, and it is calculated as follows: The results of multiplying the courses that the student studied in all semesters are combined and then divided by the total credit hours for the semesters he studied
Academic tardinessIt is the drop in the grades obtained by the student in the subject tests of the academic subjects of 50% of the full score, whether in the semester tests or the work of the month
The struggling studentIt is the student who failed in some courses and had a failure rate of less than 3 for two consecutive semesters
The talented and distinguished studentA student who excels in a field of study, social, or has a special talent that can be nurtured
talentIt is the continuous demonstration of excellence in performance in any field of value or superiority in one or more special abilities.
Office hoursIt is the hours during which the student communicates with a faculty member on a specific time schedule
Supportive education programsThey are small groups of students who specify specific topics for them to study according to a weekly schedule. Such programs are done according to the counseling sessions.
Case StudyIt takes place through holding advisory sessions with the student and students are identified in it based on the results of the periodic exams, through which the obstacles that prevent the student from excelling and the reasons for his academic delay are identified and the best programs suitable for his condition are determined with continued follow-up until the case is exceeded in the subsequent tests.
The extent of progress in the overall performance of the studentThis is done by revealing the results of the end of the semester and a noticeable change in the overall performance level of the student, which confirms the effectiveness of the extension program

The Academic Advising Unit provided a set of valuable activities for students and others for academic advisors and the rest of the faculty members are summarized in the following table:

The executing agencyName of the event
Academic Advising UnitIntroductory meeting for new students for this year (Attachment 1)
Academic Advising UnitMeeting with the academic advisors to distribute the counseling plan, explain the attached and updated forms in the Academic Advising Guide, and provide the counselors with the forms for their work.
Academic Advising UnitHolding a workshop entitled "Academic Advising Workshop - The Tasks of the Academic Advisor - The Distinguished Academic Advisor". The workshop targeted the academic advisors and the rest of the faculty. The importance of academic counseling, the tasks of the field academic advisor, and the role of the distinguished mentor were discussed (attached 2)
Academic Advising UnitHolding a workshop entitled (What is guidance and counseling? A meeting with students to familiarize them with the importance of academic counseling, the negative effects of the absence of a university student and the method of calculating the average + distribution of a brochure on academic counseling

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