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ا​​للغة هي الوعاء الحضاري للمجتمعات والشعوب، تعد اللغة العربية هي اللغة القومية لهذه الأمة؛ ارتبطت بحياة العرب عبادة، سياسة، علما، وأدبا، حضارة، وهوية . ومن هنا فإن الاهتمام بتدريسها وتطويرها مطلب يحتمه هذا المصير الحضاري الذي ربط الإنسان العربي بلغته.

 لقد تم إنشاء القسم عام 1434هـ، وهو يطمح إلى الريادة والتميز في بناء صرح تعليمي يعنى بخدمة اللغة العربية تدريسا، بحثاً وتجديدا لتواكب مستجدات العصر ومتغيراته الفكرية والمعرفية والتقنية والمعلوماتية وغيرها.  من خلال برامجه التدريسية؛ لتلبية حاجات الوطن وسو​ق العمل، في المجالات المختلفة، كما يسهم في رفد المجتمع بكفاءات مؤهلة، قادرة على التفاعل مع المستجدات العلمية والتربوية. ومن ثم يسعى قسم اللغة العربية لبناء منظومة معرفية متكاملة من علوم العربية وآدابها ولن يتحقق هذا إلا بتضافر كل الجهود العلمية والثقافية والفكرية داخل المجتمع الجامعي وخارجه لاسيما جهود المعنيين بالعربية في كل القطاعات المختلفة .

Word of The Director

Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon His Messenger Muhammad bin Abdullah, and on his good and pure family, and after

The Arabic language section is a building block in this prestigious building. The University College in Imlaj derives its vision from the mother center of Tabuk University, where the honor of science, where the Islamic vision is based, is based on an authentic scientific character that stems from the past and takes care of the present. With its originality, its nature and its fruits.

The Faculty of Education is a member of the faculty of the University of Jeddah, with the support of the Dean of the College and the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman Bin Abdul Aziz al-Saud, may God protect him.

The Department offers a bachelor's program in Arabic language, and teaches some general courses for all college students. It seeks to spread a culture of community awareness, enhance its communication with different segments of society, organize public lectures and cooperate with governmental and social institutions through the participation of its members in committees, Advisory Committee.

I would like to congratulate you on my behalf and on behalf of my colleagues to welcome you - our dear visitor - to this site, hoping that you will find what benefits you _ God willing, peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions.

Dr. Salim Al-Salami


A distinguished Department in scientific approaches and scientific research, of Arabic language and literature.


​The program seeks to prepare qualified ,knowledgeable and skillful  specialists in Arabic language .Also aims to prepare distinguished researchers for post graduate studies searching and  community service.


The Department aims to
1- Enable students to master Proficiency, refinement and talents of different  areas  of Arabic language.
2- Narrowing the gap between the community  and the classical Arabic language.
3- Developing pedagogical  programs in accordance with the needs of the labor market.
4- Offering programs for teaching Arabic to non-native speakers.
5- Showing Arabic language in a beautiful and endearing format  to abolish the idea that Arabic Language is  difficult.

Salim helped Al-Salami
Assistant Professor

​Salim helped Al-Salami​

Samira Azoury
Assistant Professor

​Samira Azoury​

Samir Youssef Alioh

​​Samir Youssef Alioh​

Hamid Frij Al-Hamdi
Assistant Professor

​​​​Hamid Frij Al-Hamdi​

Nasser Salim Al-Hamidi

​Nasser Salim Al-Hamidi​

Saud Saeed Al-Rahili
Assistant Professor

​​Saud Saeed Al-Rahili​

Naglaa Ali Meshaal

​Naglaa Ali Meshaal​

Nadia Mohamed Abdel Ghani
Assistant Professor

​Nadia Mohamed Abdel Ghani​

Naima Khaled Ali
Assistant Professor

​Naima Khaled Ali​

Laila Al Zubair
Assistant Professor

​Laila Al Zubair​

mawahib ahmad ali
Assistant Professor

​mawahib ahmad ali​

raja fath alealim albashir
Assistant Professor

​raja fath alealim albashir

Ahmed Dakhil Al-Hamdi
Assistant Professor

​Ahmed Dakhil Al-Hamdi​

Nayra Odeh Al-Juhani
Assistant Professor

​​Nayra Odeh Al-Juhani​

Abdullah Mohammed Al-Shamrani
Assistant Professor

​Abdullah Mohammed Al-Shamrani

  • Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Umluj 48243

  • 0144565823

Department Guide

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