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To  provide excellent services in the areas of continuing education, training, rehabilitation and development of productive capacities and creative at the local and regional level.

the message:
 The Community Service and Continuing Education Unit seeks to be a distinct, advanced, high-quality, educational, training and technical advisory environment that is able to compete locally and regionally.
1) To prepare manpower, and to develop information, knowledge and behavior of community members.
Raise the level of leadership competence and efficiency of performance.
Learn about new changes, new technologies, and how to deal with them.
Raising the rate of performance and its productive efficiency among community members.
Providing programs in the field of continuing education, training and counseling (in the form of diplomas, courses, and educational programs that meet the needs of society).
 Providing scientific and professional advice to various groups and bodies of the local community.
  Contribute to spreading culture, knowledge, and scientific and technical awareness to the various sectors of the local community.
  Achieving patterns of effective partnership between various sectors of society.
Communication with universities, academic institutions and scientific centers interested in serving the community locally, regionally and internationally.
 Supporting educational and training activities that serve the university community and the region.

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