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​​​​​The Department of Mathematics was the first scientific department to be established in Amaj University College, as it was established in the first semester of the academic year 1430-1431 AH, with the establishment of the University College in Umluj. The department awards a bachelor's degree in mathematics sciences. Since its establishment, the college has taken several steps in order to develop its scientific and advanced level of laboratory and research facilities.

Word of The Director

​The Department of Mathematics welcomes students and provides them with this webpage containing a brief summary of the vision, mission and goals. Plus a list of learning outcomes and opportunities in the field of work. The webpage also provides a detailed explanation of the study plan and course contents. Finally, the page provides contact information, the department's scholarly activities, and the organizational structure. Hope this webpage answers all your questions and be a useful guide to you.


Excellence in mathematics education and scientific research to serve the community locally and regionally.


Preparing graduates qualified in mathematics and its applications to meet labor market needs and serve the local community, as well as scientific research and innovation.​


- Creating a curriculum and educational process that meets accreditation and

standards of quality.

- Motivating and assisting students in the learning, study, create, and contribute to a positive social interaction.

- Strengthening and enhancing the skills of faculty and staff members.

- Encouraging scientific and practical studies in various fields of mathematics.

- Encourage successful collaboration and communication between the department and the community.

- To create a collaborative environment between faculty and administrative staff in order to support the department's educational process.


محجوب عوض الامين الشايقي
Assistant Professor


ماريا زكريا ادم هاشم
Assistant Professor


أحمد عمر محمد أبو بكر
Assistant Professor


نعمات حامد طالب اسماعيل
Assistant Professor


حامدين أحمد العفيف جمعه
Assistant Professor

رضا محمد محمد شاهين
Assistant Professor


أحمد خلف موسى سيد
Associate Professor


هويده الصديق هارون محمد


امال محمد الحسن علي محمد
Assistant Professor


​امال السر رمضان عبدالله

​نوال حمد حامد اللهيبي


نجوى عطيوي سمران الجهني
Teaching Assistant

ندى عبدالكريم محمود الجهني


​بشائر بختي الصاعدي
Teaching Assistant


محمد علي محمد آل ابراهيم
Teaching Assistant


أسماء علي حمدان  الغامدي


  • 5804

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دليل الطالب
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دليل الشكاوى والتظلمات

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