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​The Department of Islamic Studies was established simultaneously with the establishment of the college in the academic year 1430/1431 AH, and the study was limited to the female section. The department celebrated the graduation of the first batch of its female students in the academic year 1433/1434 AH, whose number reached (100) female students, while the number of female graduates in the academic year reached 1434 / 1435 AH, approximately (70) female students, and () female students in the academic year 1435/1436 AH, and the department currently awards a bachelor's degree in the specialty of Islamic studies.
As for the male section, it was opened with the opening of the student section in the college in the academic year 1434/1435 AH, and the number of accepted students reached (128) students, and the department is witnessing a growth in the number of its students and members, and an increasing turnout of those wishing to join it.

Word of The Director

الحمد لله الذي علم بالقلم، علم الإنسان ما لم يعلم، والصلاة والسلام على نبيه الخاتم ورسوله الأكرم، نبينا محمد، وعلى آلة وصحبه وسلم، أما بعد

فإن قسم الدراسات الإسلامية هو أحد أكبر وأهم أقسام الكلية الجامعية بمحافظة أملج، إذ يقوم بتدريس مواد الثقافة الإسلامية لجميع التخصصات، ويضم القسم النصيب الأكبر من طلاب وطالبات الكلية، ويطيب لنا أن نضع بين يدي القارئ الكريم الدليل التعريفي للقسم الذي يوضح الرؤية والرسالة والقيم، والأهداف، والخطة الدراسية، والتوصيف المختصر للمقررات، إلى غير ذلك من الجوانب التي تهم طلاب وطالبات القسم، والراغبين في الالتحاق به.

وقسم الدراسات الإسلامية يضم ثلة متميزة من أعضاء هيئة التدريس المتخصصين في العلوم الشرعية، ويسعى القسم إلى إعداد وتأهيل جيل متميز وكوادر علمية تساهم في البناء والارتقاء بوطننا المعطاء.

وختاما نحمد الله تعالى على ما أنعم به علينا من نعمة التي لا تعد ولا تحصى، ثم الشكر لولاة أمرنا حفظهم الله ووفقهم الذين أولوا قطاع التعليم العام والعالي اهتماما وعناية كبيرة، والشكر موصول لمعالي مدير جامعتنا، ولسعادة وكيل الجامعة للفروع على دعمهما وتوجيههما، ولسعادة عميد الكلية ووكلائه على جهودهم الملموسة الارتقاء بالكلية، سائلا الله تعالى للجميع التوفيق والسداد، والعون والرشاد، وصلى الله على نبينا محمد، وعلى آلة وصحبه أجمعين.


د. علي بن دخيل الله الصاعدي 


Preparing a distinguished generation in knowledge, morals and serving its  community.


​The department seeks to prepare specialists in Islamic studies, to contribute to the preparation of specialized research in Sharia sciences, to participate in community service and to provide advice to the concerned authorities.


1- Preparing scientific cadres familiar with forensic sciences.

2- Graduate generations capable of combining originality with contemporary.

3- Opening the field of consultations on legal issues to the relevant authorities.

4- Supplying state agencies and institutions with the necessary human cadres.

5- Opening the door for Muslim women to receive Sharia sciences, which will have an impact on the individual and society.

6- Participation in building a virtuous society that values ​​ethical values ​​and applies them in real life by linking the scientific material with the reality of students.

7. Development of students' research skills to ensure sustainable development at the functional and social levels.

8- Serving the community by holding seminars, lectures and training courses.

9- Striving to achieve the Kingdom's vision 2030.​

Dr. Ali Dakhil Allah Al-Saedi
Associate Professor

​​​Dr. Ali Dakhil Allah Al-Saedi​

Dr. Jaafar Abdulmohsen Al-Shaibi
Assistant Professor

​Dr. Jaafar Abdulmohsen Al-Shaibi​

Dr. Abdulrahman Abdullah Al-Raneeny
Assistant Professor

​​Dr. Abdulrahman Abdullah Al-Raneeny​​

Dr. Musa Abdullah Al-Rashidi
Assistant Professor

​Dr. Musa Abdullah Al-Rashidi​

Dr. Zaid Omair Al-Shamry
Assistant Professor

​Dr. Zaid Omair Al-Shamry​

Dr. Salman Samael Al-Salami

​​Dr. Salman Samael Al-Salami​​

Dr. Muhammad Ismail Al-Atewi
Assistant Professor

​​Dr. Muhammad Ismail Al-Atewi​

Dr. Muhammad Al Moataz Al Kamel
Assistant Professor

​Dr. Muhammad Al Moataz Al Kamel​

Awadiya Hussain Muhammed
Assistant Professor

​​Awadiya Hussain Muhammed​

Izdihar Farouk Khalaf Allah
Assistant Professor

​Izdihar Farouk Khalaf Allah​

Dr.. Heba Ibrahim Ali
Assistant Professor

​Dr.. Heba Ibrahim Ali​

Dr.. Hajar Mubarak Al-Siddiq
Assistant Professor

​Dr.. Hajar Mubarak Al-Siddiq​

Dr.. Sharifa Ahmed Ali
Assistant Professor

​Dr.. Sharifa Ahmed Ali​

Dr.. Huda Ibrahim Al-Awfi

​​Dr.. Huda Ibrahim Al-Awfi​

ms . Fatima Salama Selim
Teaching Assistant

​ms . Fatima Salama Selim​

Dr.Mashael Ahmed Hassan Al-Anzi
Assistant Professor

​​​ms.Mashael Ahmed Hassan Al-Anzi​

  • ​Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Umluj 48335​​​

  • 0144565833
  • 0144565833

Islamic Studies Department Guide

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