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From the unit

The Measurement and Evaluation Unit of the University College of Tayma follows the example of the Measurement and Evaluation Unit at the University of Tabuk in its vision, mission and goals


A distinct unit, qualitatively and procedurally, in activating the work of university measurement and evaluation in line with the university's vision based on scientific and research excellence .

the message

Activating the roles of Educational Measurement and Evaluation University to promote academic performance and improve the university output of human creative energies and productive.


1- Spreading the culture of university assessment and evaluation.

2- Establishing standards for university assessment and evaluation and preparing indicators to measure academic performance at the university.

3- Diagnosing the reality of the educational process, discovering problems and deficiencies, and working to remedy them.

4- Keeping up with the Kingdom's vision (2030) in drawing up plans, policies, and goals for university measurement and evaluation.

5- Holding seminars and participating in local and regional measurement and evaluation conferences to develop the skills of faculty members in this field.

6- Conducting statistical studies and submitting periodic reports on academic performance in university colleges.

7- Providing statistical and educational consultations in the fields of measurement and evaluation.

8- Measuring university outcomes in order to develop them.

9- Automating the work of university measurement and evaluation.

Unit plan

The plan of the Measurement and Evaluation Unit at Taima University College / both male and female students to achieve the following: -

  1. Coordinating with the measurement and evaluation unit at the university in all its work and providing it with all the information required of the college.

  2. Collecting study plans for all study programs offered by the college for all departments.

  3. Keep a copy of the course file for all subjects in all departments of the college.

  4. Collecting periodic and final exams (for all courses offered by the college in each semester).

  5. Keeping the results of the periodic and final exams (for all the courses offered by the college in each semester).

  6. Coordination with the measurement and evaluation unit at the university in analyzing the results of the tests and extracting their reports.

  7. Implementation and follow-up of all instructions or recommendations issued by the unit of measurement and evaluation at the university pertaining to the departments of the faculty and its decisions.

  8. Coordination with the measurement and evaluation unit at the university in organizing courses and workshops for faculty members in the college.

  9. Supervising the construction of test banks for the college's courses in coordination with the University's Measurement and Evaluation Unit.

  10. Cooperating with the measurement and evaluation unit at the university in filling out questionnaires and data collection tools related to measurement and evaluation in the college.

  11. Providing training programs for faculty members and workshops in the field of measurement and evaluation.

  12. Evaluate the study plans for all programs and ensure that they meet the standards of measurement and evaluation.

  13. Follow up on the tests and their results and ensure that they apply the required standards in the tests.

  14. Follow-up of the scientific material presented in the various materials and ensure compliance with the scientific content.

  15. Analyzing the results of the semester and final courses' exams and providing some statistical indicators of the quality of the tests.

call us

Unit supervisor

Dr.. Muhammad Abdul Qawi 


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