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Male Student Disciplinary Committee

First: Shaping of the Committee

The Standing Committee for Disciplining Male Students at the University College is shaped as follows:

* Dean of the College as president.

* College Vice Dean for educational affairs as a member.


* Head of the relevant department to which the male student belongs as a member.

* Male Student Affairs Unit Supervisor as a member.

* Committee Secretary.


Second: Description of the Committee

The Committee assumes its duties in accordance with the provisions of the Male Student Disciplinary Regulations at the University of Tabuk, where the Committee submits the minutes of its meetings to the Dean of the College for approval.


Third: The organizational liaison of the committee

The committee is organizationally affiliated with the educational affairs Unit of the college.


Fourth: Objectives and duties of the committee

* Control the behavior of male students and the like inside the college or any of its facilities.

* Reclamation of violating male students and treating their behavior with the available educational methods.


* Imposing disciplinary penalties on male students who violate the rules and regulations in force at the university.

* Considering the violations referred by the college vice dean, department heads, or faculty members at the college.

* Follow-up the implementation of disciplinary penalties made by dean of the college, heads of the departments, or faculty members for violating male students.

* Follow-up the implementation of disciplinary penalties over the violating male students.



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