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​​​​​​​The Department of English Language was established at Gala University College in 1432 AH, and since its inception until now, the department is taking steady steps towards playing a distinguished role in graduating groups of female students who have knowledge of the sciences of English language and literature, and they have the ability to use this language effectively and positively in various fields, and they enjoy as much It is linguistic competence that ensures successful communication using this coil.

Word of The Director

Welcome to the Department of English Language at the University College - Hagl Female Section - Tabuk University, which was established in 1432 AH. Ever since that date, it has been steadily stepping forwards to be a pioneer in the field of English language learning and extending the bridges of communication and culture with the outside world to convey the true image of our religion, our culture and our country. Furthermore, and so as to develop learning to be able to bridge the gap between learning outcomes and the requirements of the labor market, the department directed  students towards the appropriate career and professional options for English language specialists, which has become an important tributary of the comprehensive development of the Kingdom.

    The program works to continuously and diligently to develop its educational curricula to keep pace with the latest developments and updates in all its aspects that are subject to periodic review and scientific scrutiny in order to reach the highest quality standards in terms of quality and quantity to graduate students with a high level of knowledge, skills and values.

 The department includes a distinguished staff with very rich teaching experiences in the field of teaching, scientific research and community service who have dedicated their efforts to be facilitators for transferring knowledge to female students towards a stock of knowledge coping with the strategic goals of the university, college and the department, which emanating from the ambitious vision and development plan in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and stepping with the National Qualifications Framework .

    The department also, sponsored an English language club, which is managed by a group of female students under the direct supervision of the head and members of the department so as to provide support and assistance to the female students in the department and the college.

Through the department's website, you can communicate with the faculty members, and view the description of the courses, the study plan, all brochures and introductory guides.


A department distinguished in education and research in the field of English language, literature, and translation


To provide a distinguished educational environment that contributes to preparing competent cadres in the field of English language, literature, and translation, meeting the needs of the job market, and enhancing scientific research and community participation.​


Program Learning Outcomes 

  • ​To list and describe the terms, practices, and theoretical fundamentals relevant to the fields of Literature, literary criticism, Linguistics, and Translation.
  • To describe the strategies for interacting with academic content and list the conventions of academic writing in English.
  • To recognize a theoretical knowledge in relation to the three main genres (prose, poetry, and drama) and use this knowledge correctly when reading and analyzing texts.
  • To compare and contrast the different theories of the domains of linguistics, literature and translation, and use them in analyzing, interpreting, criticizing, and translating texts.
  • To assess debates and discussions in the domains of literature, linguistics, and translation.
  • To demonstrate effective teamwork and verbal communication practices.
  • To consult online resources and use the internet and office applications professionally in language study and in researching topics in the fields of literature, linguistics and translation.​​


1. To offer a distinguished program in English language, literature, and translation.

2. To develop the educational and learning environment in the program.

3. To encourage research in the field of English language, literature, and translation.
4. To support participation in professional development and community service

Graduate Attributes  

  • ​Advanced theoretical and practical knowledge of linguistics, English literature, and translation.
  • The ability to use modern technology ethically, safely, and effectively for scientific, practical, research and life purposes.
  • The ability to communicate clearly and effectively in written and verbal forms for different purposes.
  • Creative, analytical, interpretive, reflective, and problem-solving thinkers.
  • The acquisition of the required ethics and behaviors that enables him/her to deal with others with integrity, empathy, care and respect.
  • Having a reflective and professional approach, including qualities of time management, teamwork, leadership, accountability and self-regulation.

Omaima Elkhair Mohammed

​Faculty member- lecturer​​Department Supervisor

Dr.Nazik Numan Ahmed

​​Faculty member- Assistant Professor​

Reem Nael ALajmi

​Faculty member- Teaching Assistant​

Sarah Maqboul Alomrani

​​Faculty member- Teaching Assistant

  • Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - Tabuk Region - Haql Governorate 49932​

  • 0144565204
  • 0144565204

Directory of English Language
Students' Guid
​Faculty Members' Guide​

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