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Course Description

(Faculty Requirements)


Undergraduate Program

B.Sc. Management Information Systems
Course TitlePrinciples  of  Public  Administration
Course CodeMGT 001
Credit Hours2
SemesterPreparatory Year
Course DescriptionThis course focuses on defining the concept and importance of Public Administration and its relationship with other fields. It explains the differences between Public Administration and Business Administration government administrative structure, public service and public utility. It also introduces students to the main functions of Management (Planning, Organizing, Coordinating, Leadership, and Control), showing how managers can apply them in Public Administration Units. The Course also introduces the student to the concept of Budget and explains the types and methods of Budget preparation based on general revenue and expenditure estimates. The course is designed to enable students to become familiar with decision making processes and the main terminology of Public Administration.               
TextbookSawat, T. Awadalah and Cindy, T. Abdulwahab. 2011. Public Administration: Concepts - Careers-Activities. Hafez Publishing and Distribution:  Riyadh, KSA.

Monthly Exams  50%

Activities 10%

Final Exam 40%



Undergraduate Program B.Sc. Management Information Systems
Course TitlePrinciples of  Business Administration
Course CodeMGT 231
Credit Hours3
Course DescriptionThis course focuses on the concept of Management and its importance in life. It reviews the evolution of Management principles, functions, steps and decision making processes and shows how managers can practice Management functions such as Planning, Organizing, Decision making, Leadership, Communication and Control.
TextbookAl-Shamari, A. Agitation and Ghanam, B. Budair. 2009. Principles of Business Management: Fundamentals and Recent Trends, 6th Edition. Al- Obeikan: Riyadh, KSA.

Monthly Exams  50%

Activities 10%

Final Exam 40%



Undergraduate Program B.Sc. Management Information Systems
Course TitlePrinciples of Accounting 1
Course CodeACCT 231
Credit Hours3
Course DescriptionThis course introduces the student to the basic principles of Financial Accounting (theory and practice). Topics covered include Accounting Cycle Steps (Analyzing, Recording, Posting, Trial Balance, Financial Statements Preparation, Income Statement and Balance Sheet). The course also highlights the analysis of entries including prepaid and accruals.      
TextbookWabil, W. Ali. 2009. Principles of Financial Accounting - Part I, 3rd Edition. Wabil Publishers: Riyadh, KSA.

Monthly Exams  50%

Activities 10%

Final Exam 40%




Undergraduate Program B.Sc. Management Information Systems
Course TitlePrinciples of Micro economics
Course CodeECON 231
Credit Hours3
Course DescriptionThis course introduces the students to the economic behavior of individuals, families and enterprises and explains the consequences of creating opportunities, increasing income, employing resources and raising the level of welfare.     
TextbookDakhil, K. Ibrahim. 2000. Introduction to Microeconomic Theory: basic concepts in micro-economic analysis.  Riyadh, KSA

Monthly Exams  50%

Activities 10%

Final Exam 40%



Undergraduate Program B.Sc. Management Information Systems
Course TitleCommercial Law
Course CodeLAW 231
Credit Hours3
Course DescriptionThis course aims to introduce students to the importance of commercial law and its rules on business transactions. The course explain the general theory of trade and traders; to enable students to understand the specific characteristics of business , related duties, obligations such as trade books and commercial registration. In addition it shows the types of companies and provisions.
TextbookSharif .N and Quraishi. Z. 2009. Commercial Law, Hafez Publishing and Distribution:  Riyadh, KSA.

Monthly Exams  50%

Activities 10%

Final Exam 40%



Undergraduate Program B.Sc. Management Information Systems
Course TitlePrinciples of Marketing
Course CodeMKT 231
Credit Hours3
Course DescriptionThe Principles of Marketing course is designed to introduce the students to the basic concepts of Marketing and the components of the modern marketing environment. It also enables the student to understand the tools needed to market segmentation, analyze consumer behavior, manage and develop products and determine the right price. This course helps the student to choose the proper distribution channels and set promotion planes to achieve Firm goals.        
TextbookAzzam, Z, Ahmed H. Abdul-Baset and Sheikh M. Saeed, 2011. Principles of Modern Marketing Theory and Practice, 3rd Edition, Al-Masirah publication: Amman, Jordan.

Monthly Exams  50%

Activities 10%

Final Exam 40%



Undergraduate Program B.Sc. Management Information Systems
Course TitleScientific Research Methods
Course CodeMGT 232
Credit Hours3
PrerequisiteSTAT 001
Course DescriptionThis course introduces the student to the methods of research by which he / she can identify research problems and design hypotheses. Students will study basic techniques applied to Collecting, Processing, Statistical analyzing and Presentation results. They will also learn the basics of preparing and uniting scientific research in terms of form and content.
TextbookSapap, A. Abdullah, 2009. Methods of Scientific Research in Social Sciences, 6th Edition, Dar Al-Bilad for Publishing and Distribution: Jeddah, KSA.

Monthly Exams  50%

Activities 10%

Final Exam 40%


Undergraduate Program B.Sc. Management Information Systems
Course TitlePrinciples of Financial Management
Course CodeFIN 241
Credit Hours3
PrerequisiteACCT 231
Course DescriptionThis course aims to provide students of finance department with comprehensive scientific background about financial management, its importance and its applications in businesses. It also provides student with the most necessary and common methods, techniques and tools used in financial analysis. The course introduce students how to use and apply financial analysis tools. It also covers the concept of time value and its importance in investment evaluation process.
TextbookHaddad, F. Saleem, 2010. Financial Management, 3rd Edition, Hamed Publishing and Distribution: Amman, Jordan.

Monthly Exams  50%

Activities 10%

Final Exam 40%


Undergraduate Program B.Sc. Management Information Systems
Course TitlePrinciples of  Macroeconomics
Course CodeECON 241
Credit Hours3
PrerequisiteECON 231
Course DescriptionThe purpose of this course is to introduce the students to the main concepts and terminology of macroeconomics through the contributions of different schools, with special reference to the Keynesian School. The course presents various methods of measuring and evaluating economic performance and comparing it with the situation of balance. The course introduces certain macroeconomic problems, such as unemployment and inflation aspects of the financial system and government policies.
TextbookAl-Habeeb, Fayez. 2007. Principles of Macro Economics, Farazdak Prints: Riyadh, KSA.

Monthly Exams  50%

Activities 10%

Final Exam 40%



Undergraduate Program B.Sc. Management Information Systems
Course TitlePrinciples of Accounting 2
Course CodeACCT 241
Credit Hours3
PrerequisiteACCT 231
Course DescriptionThis course continues the study begun in ACCT 231, with an emphasis on Accounting for Merchandise operations, Receivables, Short Term Investments and Fixed assets.
TextbookWabil, W. Ali. 2009. Principles of Financial Accounting - Part I, 3rd Edition. Wabil Publishers: Riyadh, KSA.

Monthly Exams  50%

Activities 10%

Final Exam 40%



Undergraduate Program B.Sc. Management Information Systems
Course TitleManagement Information Systems
Course CodeMIS 241
Credit Hours3
PrerequisiteMGT 231
Course DescriptionThis course provides an overview of information systems in the business world. It presents an organizational view of how to use information technology to create competitive firms, manage global organizations and provide useful products and services to customers. Topics include hardware, software, databases, telecommunication systems, the strategic use of information systems, the development of information systems and the social and ethical issues involved surrounding information systems.
TextbookK.C. Laudon and J.P. Laudon, 2018, Management Information Systems, 11th Edition, Prentice Hall. USA.

Monthly Exams  50%

Activities 10%

Final Exam 40%






Course Description

(Department Requirements)

Undergraduate Program B.Sc. Management Information Systems
Course Titlee-Commerce
Course CodeMIS 352
Credit Hours3
PrerequisiteMIS 241
Course Description

This course aims to introduce students to

E-Commerce concepts and models, advantages, necessary infrastructure associated with networking technology, information security, social and moral infrastructure and electronic payment systems.  Students will learn how to build

E-commerce sites.    

TextbookTurban, E and Lee, J. K. 2015. Electronic Commerce: A Managerial Perspective, 8th Edition, Prentice Hall: USA.

Monthly Exams  50%

Activities 10%

Final Exam 40%


Undergraduate Program B.Sc. Management Information Systems
Course TitleDecision Support Systems
Course CodeMIS 353
Credit Hours3
PrerequisiteMIS 241
Course DescriptionThis course aims to provide the students with a comprehensive view over on using available technology to assist the decision maker in individual and collective. The course will focus on decision support systems, collective decision support systems and train the student the use programs to solve problems and identify the advantage of using such systems.  
TextbookTurban, E, Sharda, R and Delen, D., 2014. Decision Support and Business Intelligence Systems, 10th Edition, Prentice Hall:  USA.

Monthly Exams  50%

Activities 10%

Final Exam 40%



Undergraduate Program B.Sc. Management Information Systems
Course TitleSystems Analysis and Design
Course CodeMIS 361
Credit Hours3
PrerequisiteMIS 241
Course DescriptionThis course aims to provide the basic principles and different stages of analyzing and designing information systems. The course explains the activities involved in the development of information systems and shows the different techniques used in the analysis and design of these systems. It also covers feasibility study documentation system requirements, design and development, system development life cycle, data modeling and participation in systems development.
Textbook K. E. Kendall and J. E. Kendall, 2014. Systems Analysis and Design, 9th edition, Prentice Hall:  USA.

Monthly Exams  50%

Activities 10%

Final Exam 40%


Undergraduate Program B.Sc. Management Information Systems
Course TitleBusiness Intelligence systems
Course CodeMIS 362
Credit Hours3
PrerequisiteMIS 353
Course DescriptionThis course aims to provide students with the basic concepts of business intelligence systems from the point of view of technical business benefits and institution. The course also provides students with theoretical and practical knowledge through the use of some appropriate tools.
TextbookSharda, R. ; Delen, D. and Turban, E., 2018. Business Intelligence, 4th Edition: Prentice Hall, USA.

Monthly Exams  50%

Activities 10%

Final Exam 40%



Undergraduate Program B.Sc. Management Information Systems
Course TitleInformation Technology Project Management
Course CodeMIS 472
Credit Hours3
PrerequisiteMIS 361
Course DescriptionThis course aims to introduce students to different issues related to projects management, such as projects delivery, dispute resolution, project finance and other factors that may affect projects management. Students will learn the impact of the rapid change in information technology of the techniques to control costs and risks and develop applications for policies and procedures.
TextbookSchwalbe, K. 2009. Information Technology Project Management, 6th Edition, Cengage: USA.

Monthly Exams  50%

Activities 10%

Final Exam 40%



Undergraduate Program B.Sc. Management Information Systems
Course TitleEnterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERP)
Course CodeMIS 481
Credit Hours3
PrerequisiteMIS 362
Course DescriptionThis course focuses on providing students with adequate information about Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERP). Students will learn how to apply ERP in different companies and organizations. The course explains many management techniques using ERP. Students will be asked to design an ERP system for any local company.
TextbookAvraham, Shtub, K, 2002. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP): The Dynamics of Operations Management. USA.

Monthly Exams  50%

Activities 10%

Final Exam 40%


Undergraduate Program B.Sc. Management Information Systems
Course TitleQuantitative Methods
Course CodeMGT 351
Credit Hours3
PrerequisiteSTAT 001 & MGT 231
Course DescriptionThis course introduces students to several quantitative methods used by business managers in making rational decisions based on scientific analysis for problem solving. The course focuses on the following topics: Operation management concepts and their uses in decision making; Preparation and application of mathematical models to use in problem solving, such as linear programming problems; Sensitivity analysis, the Critical Path model and the Project Evaluation model.
TextbookKaser, M. 2006, Quantitative Methods in Management Decision-making, 1st Edition. Hamed Publishing and Distribution: Amman, Jordan.

Monthly Exams  50%

Activities 10%

Final Exam 40%



Undergraduate Program B.Sc. Management Information Systems
Course TitleOperations and Production Management
Course CodeMGT 471
Credit Hours3
PrerequisiteMGT 231
Course DescriptionThis course focuses on introducing the concept of Production Management. It provides students with core concepts related to industrial process management which will enable them to follow up the main developments in the field of operations management. The course also introduces the students with statistical and mathematical methods and the techniques used in planning and controlling productivity. The course covers and defines some productivity systems, such like OPT, JIT, MRP.
TextbookKhalil, N. Mursi, 2009. Production and Operations Management: applications and practical exercises, 1st Edition, Khawarizm library: Jeddah, KSA.

Monthly Exams  50%

Activities 10%

Final Exam 40%



Undergraduate Program B.Sc. Management Information Systems
Course TitleStrategic Management
Course CodeMCT 473
Credit Hours3
PrerequisiteMGT 231
Course DescriptionThis course explains strategic management concepts and basics. It also explains the steps taken to design the strategy of an organization's strategy starting with mission and goals followed by the strategic management process that includes the analysis of external and internal factors that affect the organization's performance and the tools for strategic analysis strategic analysis to identify the organizations strategies and the alternatives available to the organization. Finally, the course covers the process of implementing and controlling strategy.
TextbookKhalil, Nabil Mohamed Morsi, and Omar, Hani Abdel Rahman, 2010. Contemporary Strategic management - concepts and applications, 1st Edition, Al-Shigri Book Store, Jeddah, KSA.

Monthly Exams  50%

Activities 10%

Final Exam 40%



Undergraduate Program B.Sc. Management Information Systems
Course TitleInternship in MIS
Course CodeMIS 489
Credit Hours3
SemesterSeparate Semester
PrerequisitePassing successfully 90 credit hours
Course DescriptionThis course aims to provide the student who has completed 200 credit hours additional training in. The training will be conducted in coordinating with the training and Development Unit at the College. Upon completion, the student will submit a power point presentation on the supervision.
TextbookAs designed by the Department

50%: Assessment reports submitted by the companies where the student was trained.

50%: Report submitted by the student at the end of the training. 


Undergraduate Program B.Sc. Management Information Systems
Course TitlePrinciples of  Programming
Course CodeMIS 356
Credit Hours3
PrerequisiteCSC 001
Course DescriptionThis course introduces students to the fundamental principles and techniques in the design and implementation of modern programming languages. The course covers these issues mainly as they relate to functional programming and object-oriented programming. Students can use these fundamentals to develop algorithms and write program codes. The course also explains the basics of data storage and processing, which will provide students experience in the use of structured programming tools.
TextbookDanial Liang, Y, 2019. Introduction to JAVA Programming and Data Structures, 11th edition, Pearson, USA.

Monthly Exams  50%

Activities 10%

Final Exam 40%


Undergraduate Program B.Sc. Management Information Systems
Course TitleVisual Programming
Course CodeMIS 364
Credit Hours3
PrerequisiteMIS 356
Course DescriptionThis course is a study of graphical-user-interface (GUI) and component-based programming. The course covers the visual programming skills needed for modern software development. Topics will include event handling and event procedures, problem solving, business applications, game applications, database interface and software design.
TextbookDanial Liang, Y, 2019. Introduction to JAVA Programming and Data Structures, 11th edition, Pearson, USA.

Monthly Exams  50%

Activities 10%

Final Exam 40%


Undergraduate Program B.Sc. Management Information Systems
Course TitleDatabase Systems
Course CodeMIS 474
Credit Hours3
PrerequisiteMIS 364
Course DescriptionThis course covers the fundamentals of database architecture and systems. Topics include databases and database users, database system concepts and architecture, relational data model, the relational algebra and relational calculus, data modeling using the entity-relationship model, structured query language, functional dependency and normalization.
TextbookRamez, E and Shamkant, N, 2016. Foundations of Database Systems, 7th Edition, Addison Wesley: USA.

Monthly Exams  50%

Activities 10%

Final Exam 40%


Undergraduate Program B.Sc. Management Information Systems
Course TitleComputer Networks
Course CodeMIS 475
Credit Hours3
PrerequisiteMIS 364
Course DescriptionThis is a fundamental course designed to introduce current networking technologies, models and concepts in network communications. The course focuses on network terminology, protocols, and local area networks (LANs), wide-area networks (WANs), and Open System Interconnection (OSI) models and Ethernet standards. Up to date technologies on Wireless, ADSL, cable modems technologies are surveyed and their features explained, including switches, hubs network cabling, Internet Protocol (IP) addressing and network standards.
TextbookM. A. Gallo and W. M. Hancock. Computer Communications and Networking Technology, Thomson Learning: USA.

Monthly Exams  50%

Activities 10%

Final Exam 40%



Undergraduate Program B.Sc. Management Information Systems
Course TitleComputer & Information Security
Course CodeMIS 483
Credit Hours3
PrerequisiteMIS 475
Course DescriptionThis course is intended to teach Introduction to Computer and Information Security, covering: aspects of security, topics include: cryptography, program security, operating systems security, database security, network security, web security and management of security.
TextbookCharles P. Pfleeger and Shari L, Pfleeger. 2009.  Security in Computing, 5th edition, Prentice Hall: USA.

Monthly Exams  50%

Activities 10%

Final Exam 40%





Course Description

(Department Electives)

Undergraduate Program B.Sc. Management Information Systems
Course TitleOffice Automation
Course CodeMIS 351
Credit Hours3
SemesterDepartment Elective Course
PrerequisiteMIS 341
Course DescriptionThe course focuses on defining the different techniques used in modern offices. It will provide students the skills to use modern technology in the office, and introduce them to the basic uses of technology in the office, such as software, data processing and work completion.
TextbookOliverio, M. Ellen, 2013, The Office: Procedures and Technology, 6th edition, South-Western Publishing: USA.

Monthly Exams  50%

Activities 10%

Final Exam 40%



          Undergraduate Program B.Sc. Management Information Systems
Course TitleInformation Economics
Course CodeMIS 354
Credit Hours3
SemesterDepartment Elective
PrerequisiteMIS 241
Course DescriptionThis course focuses on explaining the concepts and importance of information economics and explains the information investment concept and importance, methods of evaluating information costs and the basis used in the classifications. The course also covers information value concepts, types and measure.  
TextbookBirchler,U.R and Butler, Moniks, Information Economics,  1st edition, Routledge - Taylor & Francis Group, U.S.A.

Monthly Exams  50%

Activities 10%

Final Exam 40%






Undergraduate Program B.Sc. Management Information Systems
Course TitleBusiness Communication Systems
Course CodeMIS 355
Credit Hours3
SemesterDepartment Elective Course
PrerequisiteMIS 241
Course DescriptionThis course focuses on introducing students to communication concepts and objectives. The course explains the process, the main elements of communication in business organizations and the relationship between communication and administrative functions and centers. The course also explains the principles of good communication and the obstacles to it. Communication skills like written, oral and listening are reviewed. In addition, the importance of verbal and non-verbal communication skills in meetings will be covered.
TextbookPanko, R.R, 2009. Business Data Networks and Telecommunications, 7th Edition, Prentice Hall, USA.

Monthly Exams  50%

Activities 10%

Final Exam 40%



Undergraduate Program B.Sc. Management Information Systems
Course TitleHuman Resource Information Systems
Course CodeMIS 363
Credit Hours3
SemesterDepartment Elective
PrerequisiteMIS 241
Course Description This course focuses on building a computerized information system specially designed to serve human resources management activities, such as: payroll, recruitment, selection, professional development and training. The course also covers topics related to needs analysis, determining and selecting of basic data, system design and maintenance and evaluation.
TextbookM. J. Kavanagh and M. Thite, 2009. Human Resource Information Systems, Sage Publications: USA.

Monthly Exams  50%

Activities 10%

Final Exam 40%



Undergraduate Program B.Sc. Management Information Systems
Course TitleStrategic Information Systems
Course CodeMIS 473
Credit Hours3
SemesterDepartment Elective Course
PrerequisiteMIS 361
Course DescriptionThis course introduces the student to the conceptual framework necessary to understand the nature of Strategic Information Systems and the difference between these systems and other systems. The course will explain the student SIS role in the success of organizations and planning mechanism.
TextbookRobert D. Galliers and Dorothy E. Leidner, 2009. Strategic Information Management: Challenges and Strategies in Managing Information Systems 4th edition, Butterworth Heinemann, USA.

Monthly Exams  50%

Activities 10%

Final Exam 40%


Undergraduate Program B.Sc. Management Information Systems
Course TitleKnowledge Management
Course CodeMIS 482
Credit Hours3
SemesterDepartment Elective Course
PrerequisiteMIS 361
Course DescriptionThis course is intended to cover the technical elements of computer technology which helps knowledge management. It also covers management needs and the challenges of knowledge utilization within organizations. The course evaluates the natural representation and access of information within the human context based economy.
TextbookBecerra L. Fernandez, Gonzalez, A. and R. Sabherwal, 2010. Knowledge Management: Systems and Processes, M. E. Sharpe Publication: USA.

Monthly Exams  50%

Activities 10%

Final Exam 40%




Courses Description

(Faculty Elective)



Undergraduate Program B.Sc. Management Information Systems
Course TitleCost Accounting
Course CodeACCT 351
Credit Hours3
SemesterFaculty  Elective
PrerequisiteACCT 241
Course DescriptionThe course deals with cost systems in manufacturing by explaining concepts, classifications, and volume and profit analysis.  Students will be able to prepare cost statements and calculate product costs by using job and process costing.  
TextbookZamil, A. Mohamed, 2010, Cost Accounting, Khawarizm library: Jeddah, KSA.

Monthly Exams  50%

Activities 10%

Final Exam 40%



Undergraduate Program B.Sc. Management Information Systems
Course TitleCompany Accounting
Course CodeACCT 352
Credit Hours3
SemesterFaculty  Elective
PrerequisiteACCT 241
Course DescriptionThis course aims to explain the basics of Accounting systems in Partnerships and Corporations. Part I deals with Partnership accounting topics, such as admissions of partners, changes in capital and profit and loss sharing ratios. Part II focuses on corporate accounting and covers the issuance of stocks and bonds and company liquidation according to Saudi law.
TextbookKhalid A. Abdullah, Corporate Accounting, Dar Wael for Publication, Jordan.

Monthly Exams  50%

Activities 10%

Final Exam 40%



Undergraduate Program B.Sc. Management
Course TitleMaterials and Supply  Management
Course CodeMGT 476
Credit Hours3
SemesterFaculty  Elective
PrerequisiteMGT 231
Course DescriptionThis course aims to enrich the student with the concepts, objectives and functions of material management and logistics. The course covers the important role that material management and logistics can play, especially in managing the requirements of the production process. The course explains the relation between materials management and other departments within the same organization and also explains the methods of procurement and purchasing decisions in order to determine quantity, quality, supplier, time and price. Finally the course will cover the statistical methods used to control confidential information.
TextbookZoghbi Ali, Azam Zakaria, (2012), logistics management, Dar march - Oman.

Monthly Exams  50%

Activities 10%

Final Exam 40%



Undergraduate Program B.Sc. Management Information Systems
Course TitleMarketing Management
Course CodeMKT 473
Credit Hours3
SemesterFaculty Elective
PrerequisiteMKT 231
Course DescriptionThis course aims to introduce students to the techniques of managing marketing activities within an organization in order to achieve the command interests between the customer and the organization. Students will study the concept of marketing management, its functions and marketing information systems. Students will learn how to analyze marketing environments, market segmentation, strategic planning and control, production management, pricing policies, campaign and the management of distribution channels.   
TextbookGhonaim, Ahmed Ibrahim, 2006. Modern Marketing Management Basics, 1st Edition, Khawarizm library: Jeddah, KSA.

Monthly Exams  50%

Activities 10%

Final Exam 40%




Undergraduate Program B.Sc. Management Information Systems
Course TitleOrganizational Behavior
Course CodeMGT 353
Credit Hours3
SemesterFaculty Elective
PrerequisiteMGT 231
Course DescriptionThis course will provide students information that enables them to understand the concept of Organizational Behavior and its relation to other sciences. The course will analyze organizational behavior levels, highlighting their relationship to performance and define the mental processes that affect the individual, the collective or the employee's behavior in an organization.  
TextbookAl-Omian, Mahmoud, 2010. Organizational Behavior in Business, 5th Edition, Dar Wael for Publication: Amman, Jordan.

Monthly Exams  50%

Activities 10%

Final Exam 40%



Undergraduate Program B.Sc. Management Information Systems
Course TitleHuman Resources Management
Course CodeMGT 361
Credit Hours3
SemesterFaculty Elective
PrerequisiteMGT 231
Course DescriptionThis course focuses on the role of human resource management in business organizations and how its core functions can be used to achieve the objectives of an organization effectively. The course will cover: the contemporary concept of human resource management, job analysis and evaluation, human resource planning, recruiting, performance evaluating, staff learning and development, management compensation. Career promotion and termination. 
TextbookAbu Sheikha, N. Ahmad, 2010. Human Resource Management, Safa Publishing and Distribution: Amman, Jordan.

Monthly Exams  50%

Activities 10%

Final Exam 40%




Undergraduate Program B.Sc. Management Information Systems
Course TitlePrinciples of Investment
Course CodeFIN 351
Credit Hours3
SemesterCollege Elective
PrerequisiteFIN 241
Course DescriptionThis course aims to provide the Business student with a comprehensive scientific background of investment, including tools and characteristics, coping mechanisms in financial markets, methods and techniques used in investment analysis, portfolio management and funding. 
TextbookAl-Maydani, Mohammad. 2010. Corporate Finance, Al- Obeikan: Riyadh, KSA.

Monthly Exams  50%

Activities 10%

Final Exam 40%




Undergraduate Program B.Sc. Management Information Systems
Course TitleFinance and Islamic Banks
Course CodeFIN 483
Credit Hours3
SemesterFaculty Elective
PrerequisiteFIN 241
Course DescriptionThis course aims to introduce students to the concept of Riba (interest), the origins of banks and the nature of Islamic economy relative to other economies (e.g., Western). Students will learn about Islamic contracts (origins and development), types and sources of funds, investments, project evaluation, banking services, profit measuring and distributions and social and economic implications of Islamic banking. 
TextbookAl-Wadi, M. Hussein and Samhan, H. Mohammed, 2012. Islamic banks: the theoretical foundations and practical applications, Al-Masirah publication: Amman, Jordan.

Monthly Exams  50%

Activities 10%

Final Exam 40%





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