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​Department Computer Science- Study Plan​​​

Level One                                                                                                                             Level Two


Course codeCourse nameCredit HoursRequirement  ​  ​  ​  ​  ​   
Course codeCourse nameCredit HoursRequirement
CSC001Computer Skills & Applications3-LTS001Learning, thinking and research skills3-
ECE001English for Technical Fields (1)5-ECE002English for Technical Fields (2)5ECE001
MATH100Mathematics (1)3-MATH 101Mathematics (2)3MATH100
PHYS101General Physics3-BIO101General Biology3-
 COMM001Communication Skills2-CHEM101General Chemistry3-
​Total ​16​  Total ​17  


Level Three                                                                                                                               Level Four


Course codeCourse nameCredit HoursRequirement  ​  ​  ​  ​  ​  ​  ​   
Course codeCourse nameCredit HoursRequirement
ISLS101Islamic Culture(1)2-ISLS 201Islamic Culture (2)2ISLS101
CSC101Computer Programming (1)4CSC001CSC 102Computer Programming (2)4CSC101
ELS210English for Computer Students3ECE002CSC 109Computer Ethics1CSC001
MATH200Fundamental of Integral Calculus4MATH101CEN 210Logic Design3MATH251
MATH251Discrete Structures 3MATH101STAT 201General Statistics4-
ARAB101Language Skills2-ARAB 201Writing  Skills2ARAB101
Total   ​ ​
18      PHYS 281General Physics Lab.1PHYS101
​Total ​


Level Five                                                                                                                               Level Six


Course codeCourse nameCredit HoursRequirement
​​​​​​ ​  
Course codeCourse nameCredit HoursRequirement
CSC210 ​Computer Organization and Assembly Language Programming ​4​ ​CSC101
CEN312Computer Architecture3CSC210
CSC321Design and Analysis of Algorithms3CSC220
CSC220Data Structures and Algorithms3CSC102CIS340Database Systems4CSC220
CIT230Internet and Web Technology3CSC102ELS301Technical Writing3ELS210
MATH241Linear Algebra3MATH251CSC221Software Engineering3CSC220
STAT311Probability Theory (1)3STAT201ISLS301Islamic Culture (3)2ISLS201
CEN211Logic Design Lab1CEN210CSC390CS Field Training--
Total ​17  Total18 


Level Seven                                                                                                                               Level Eight


Course codeCourse nameCredit HoursRequirement​​​​​             Course codeCourse nameCredit HoursRequirement
CEN330Computer Networks4CEN312CSC450Artificial Intelligence3CSC321
CSC420Theory of Computation3CSC220ISLS401Islamic Culture (4)2ISLS301
CSC410Operating Systems3CEN312CSC491CS Project  (2)3CSC490
CSC300Programming Languages3CSC220Total8 
CSC490CS Project  (1)1-    



          Elective Requirements


Course codeCourse nameCredit HoursRequirement
CSC301Visual Programming3CSC102
CSC411Systems Programming3CSC410
CSC421Compiler Construction3CSC420
CSC422Numerical Methods3CSC321
CSC423Advanced Software Engineering3CSC221
CSC424 Modeling and Simulation3STAT311
CIS440Advanced Database Systems3CIS340
CIT450Human Computer Interaction3CSC102
CSC452Computer Graphics3CSC321
CIT453Multimedia Systems3CSC321
CSC454Machine Learning3CSC321
CSC455Digital Image Processing3CSC321
CIT460Computer and Information Security3CSC321
CSC492Special Topics in Computer Science3-
Total ​42  






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