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​Biology department-Course Description

General Biology (2) BIO202

 This course is complementary to BIO 101 course with concentration on the biological aspects of the controlling systems and a comparison between the different living organisms.


General Genetics BIO221

 This course will provide students with:

1. Helping students to become familiar with the language of genetics and the terminology of genetics.

2. Provide students with a strong background in the principles of Mendelian genetics. Students will become familiar with Mendel's basic postulates and the additional insights that modern genetics has brought to this field.

3. Make students aware of the power of DNA technology. Basic concepts of DNA manipulations will be taught and examples of how these manipulations can be used in medicine and industry will be given.

4. Prepare students for more advanced course work in cell.


Cell Biology BIO 222

By the end of this course, the students will be able to get an idea about Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells. Difference between plant and animal cells, structure and function of cell organelles. They should be able to understand importance of cells as basic unit of life. 


General Botany (1) BIO241

By the end of this course, the students will be able to get an idea about plant structure and function. They should be able to identify different organs of plants and know their functions, modifications and ecological adaptations


General Zoology (1) BIO 251

This course provides an introduction to the biology of specific phyla, classes, and orders of invertebrates with emphasis on classification, morphology, structure and function of their internal anatomy, developmental pathways and fundamental concepts characteristic of this diverse animal groups. 


Principles of Ecology BIO 271

Major ideas shaping modern ecology: population regulation, competition, predation, ecosystem models, and nutrient cycling. Role of biological and physical factors in developing community structure.


 General Microbiology BIO 331

To study the classification of microorganisms and each group of them


General Botany (2) BIO 341

General Botany is an introductory course for students Graduating in Biology from University of Tabuk, Saudi Arabia. This is a study of the fundamental concepts of Plant structure and function. By the end of this course, students will be able to know different groups of plants and their gross internal and external morphology and their habitats. Difference between vascular and non-vascular plants, distinguish Monocots from Dicots. They will also get a fair knowledge on anatomy of root stem and leaf, secondary growth, the process of photosynthesis, translocation and transpiration. 


Zoology (2) BIO 351

The purpose of this course is to acquaint students with the identification, systematics, life history, anatomy, and adaptive strategies of the chordates and to expose them to field techniques used in their study. This course provides also an introduction to the biology of the phylum Chrodata, specifically the subphylum Vertebrata. Emphasis will be on the following: classification from class through species taxa, morphology, structure and function of organs systems and fundamental concepts characteristic of this diverse group of animals. Lectures deal also with their interrelationships, life history, behavior, ecology, evolution, and paleontology. The laboratory is designed to provide knowledge of the chordate body plan, experience in dissection, familiarity with terminology, and limited exposure to chordate diversity.


Flora in KSA BIO 345

Major ideas about the different types of deserts, sites of deserts in the world, places of deserts in the Saudi Arabia. Flora of Saudi Arabia, how could student collect wild plants through trips and how could to identify the collected plants


Parasitology BIO 351

Students will learn principles of parasitism and many aspects of parasite biology using humans parasites as models. Parasites causing human and animal diseases will be studied, with emphasis on their occurrence, transmission, reservoirs and methods of control. When appropriate, animal parasites, especially those of domestic animals, will also be included.


Entomology BIO 359

Definition of entomology, the characteristic of the insects, the importance of insects to human, effect of insects on agricultural ecology and human health.


 Pollution BIO 371

As environmental pollution affect air, land and water environments, the course deals with the major ideas about the types, problems, effect, solving problems of pollution and knowing the recommendations of scientists in environmental international conference on human environment. Sources and control of pollution are discussed. It examines the fate of chemicals and their biological effects on living organisms. It also examines environmental toxicology and the general mechanisms of transport and transformation of chemicals in water/sediment systems and within the organisms. 


General Physiology BIO 401

This course focuses on basic normal structure and function of the animal and plant body. The student will be expected to explain how the design of a living body structure makes the function efficient. The course also deals with how the various systems are interrelated in structure and in function. Finally it explain how the body's structures help maintain a constant internal environment.


Immunology BIO 452

The aim of the syllabus is studying the principals of immunity, how can the body to fight against the microbes and the most important vaccines.


General Control BIO 459

This subject aims to study the different methods of insect control, how to use the proper method of control according to different habitat, the integrated control and the advantages and disadvantages of each control method.


Marin Biology BIO 402

The purpose of this course is to provide a broad overview of the world's seas and oceans focusing primarily on living organisms, so the student must:

1. Recognize and understand basic terms and concepts of marine biology.

2. Relate the properties of saline water to structure and function of marine organisms.

3. Identification the biodiversity of marine ecosystems.

4. Understand both the general and the habitat- specific biological processes that occur in marine environments.

5. Use various media resources (e.g., the Internet, professional journals, etc.) to learn more about marine biology.


 Molecular Biology BIO 422

1. Understanding of the organization, replication and expression of the genetic material in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells,

2. Understanding of contemporary methods and approaches used in the

analysis of gene structure and function,

3. Experience and confidence in applying this knowledge to solve new and interesting problems in molecular biology.


Epidemiology BIO 453

1. Describe key features and applications of descriptive and analytic epidemiology.

2. Calculate and interpret ratios, proportions, incidence rates, mortality rates, prevalence, years of potential life lost, mean, median, mode, ranges, variance, standard deviation and confidence interval.

3. Prepare and apply tables, graphs, and charts such as arithmetic-scale line, scatter diagram, pie chart, and box plot.

4. Describe the processes, uses, evaluation of public health surveillance and the steps of an outbreak investigation.

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