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​ ​Study Plan -Biology department​

 PrerequisiteCHLabLecCourse CodeCourse Name 
First Semester 3 3Math 100Mathematics 1​​​​​​​​​First  Year​


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 3 3CHIM 101General Chemistry
 3 3BIO 101General Biology
 5 15ELS 001English Language 1
 3 4LTS 001Learning and Thinking Skills
Second Semester 3 3PHYS 101General Physics
Math 1003 3Math 101Mathematics 2
ELS 0015 15ELS 002English Language 2
 3 4CSC 001Computer Skills
 2 2COMM 001Communication Skills
 PrerequisiteCHLabLecCourse CodeCourse Name
First Semester 2 2ISLS 101Islamic Culture​​​​​​​​​​​Second  Year

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 2 2ARAB 101Arabic Language
 433CHEM 201General chemistry
MATH 1014 4STAT 202Bio-Statistic
BIO 101433BIO 202General Biology 2
Second SemesterISLS 101222ISLS 201Islamic Culture2
BIO 202322BIO 221General Genetics
BIO 202322BIO 241General Botany1
BIO 202322BIO 222Cell Biology
BIO 202322BIO 251General Zoology1
BIO 202322BIO 271Principal of Ecology
 PrerequisiteCHLabLecCourse CodeCourse Name
First SemesterISLS 2012 2ISLS 301Islamic Culture3​​​​​​​​​​​​​Third  Year
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ARAB 1012 2ARAB 201Arabic Language2
Non322BIPH 310Bio-Physics
BIO 241322BIO 331General Microbiology
BIO 251322BIO 341General Botany2
BIO 202322BIO 351General Zoology2
Second SemesterISLS 3012 2ISLS 401Islamic Culture4
BIO 241322BIO 345Flora of KSA
BIO 251322BIO 352Parasitology
BIO 251322BIO 359Entomology
BIO 271322BIO 371Pollution
 322BIO XXXSelected Topics
 PrerequisiteCHLabLecCourse CodeCourse Name
First SemesterCHEM 201322CHEM 438Biochemistry​​​​​​​​​​Fourth  Year

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BIO 202322BIO 401General Physiology
BIO 231322BIO 452Immunology
BIO 359322BIO 459General Control
 322BIO XXXSelected Topics
Second SemesterBIO2023 2BIO 402Marine Biology
BIO 430322BIO 453Epidemiology
 322BIO 422Molecular Biology
BIO 222422BIO 491Review Article
 322BIO XXXSelected Topics



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