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Student & Faculty- Research Collaboration UNIT (SF-RCU)


A concern of

Faculty of Medicine, University of Tabuk

Deanship of Scientific Research, University of Tabuk 

Saudi Medical Journal for Students (SMJS)

MedEdu Tabuk (MET)



The vision of the unit is to facilitate the development of new research initiatives for faculty and students that cross the boundaries of different colleges of University of Tabuk. SF-RCU will match student researchers with PIs of similar research interests from different faculties and vice versa. This will foster collaborative research between students and teachers and give rise to new opportunities.


SF-RCU is a web-based researcher matching platform between Principal Investigators and Supervisors to Student Researchers at University of Tabuk

Student researchers will be known as Research Assistants

PIs and Supervisors can be from other institutions and organizations

Our services include advertising, interviewing, and selecting properly trained student researchers

We will create a database of student researchers in the University of Tabuk willing to participate in multidisciplinary research

We will create a database of PIs and Supervisors willing to involve the University of Tabuk students in research

Unit Members


Dr. Abdullah Aldhafri, Deanship of Scientific Research, University of Tabuk

Dr. Md. Tanveer Raza, Editor-in-Chief, Saudi Medical Journal for Students


Dr. Marai M. Alamri, Dean of Medicine, University of Tabuk

Dr. Mana M. Alqahtani, Dean, Deanship of Scientific Research, University of Tabuk


Dr. Abdullah Aldhafri, Tel: +966 56 999 6757, Email:

Dr. Md. Tanveer Raza, Tel: +966 53 725 1324, Email:​

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