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Deanship News

About Deanship

The interest in and concern for continuous development and the quality of all its processes and outputs has become a matter that occupies a wide area of ​​the work of educational institutions aspiring to progress and progress, as their operations are carried out according to a strategic plan through which to ensure the achievement of their objectives in a way that supports their successive steps to achieve their vision and achieve their mission. The role of planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation processes for improvement and development is increasing day by day, which has imposed itself on all educational institutions. In line with this, the establishment of a Deanship for Development and Quality was approved on 4/26/1431 AH, in accordance with the Higher Education Council Decision No. (25/59/1431). And based on the Administrative Decision No. 72/11/31 / S dated 5/2 / 1431H regarding delegating the powers and specializations to the university, His Excellency the Director decided to link this deanship with the university vice president for development and quality. The administrative decision No. The formation of a department for the deanship and a group of internal agencies in it; As the development agency, the quality agency, and the accreditation agency. These agencies work side by side interactively to achieve the University's development and quality processes.
Tasks of the Deanship of Development and Quality:
Representing the university at the external authorities related to the work related to evaluation, development and academic accreditation.

Work to organize the university's activities related to the preparation and implementation of plans related to evaluation, academic accreditation and quality assurance in all academic and administrative units at the university.
Contributing to the development of the knowledge and skills of the beneficiaries of the faculty and administrators in the field of quality of the educational process and academic accreditation.
Organizing the tasks of the authorities associated with the Deanship and approving their work plans and developing them continuously.
Submitting proposals and consultations on the strategies and priorities of the university to improve quality within the university academically and administratively.
Developing a procedures guide in which the university's inputs and processes are defined to improve performance and quality control, and the various mechanisms for linking the academic and administrative units of the university according to its vision, mission and strategic goals.
Work with the various faculties of the university and the support deanships and their administration to establish units and committees for development and quality.
Reviewing documents and requests to create academic programs related to quality standards and requirements.
Provide support and advice to reference committees for joint (counterpart) programs.
Providing support, advice and coordination between academic programs and the Saudi Qualifications Framework.
Submitting proposals that would contribute to raising the level of scientific and professional performance in the various academic and administrative departments to the university administration.
Proposing an appropriate plan for the periodic review of the approved quality standards to ensure continuous improvement in the performance of the university's academic and administrative departments.
Periodic review of the quality of academic programs (undergraduate and postgraduate), support deanships and departments, and making recommendations for the continuous development and improvement of their quality.

Reviewing the quality of the summer semester reports and decisions and submitting recommendations related to them to the university's specialized committees.
Work to establish constructive scientific and professional relations between the university and other educational institutions distinguished in their performance to benefit from the experiences of these institutions in all matters related to improving the level of performance within the university.
Study, prepare and implement the necessary training plans to develop the skills of faculty members and human cadres at the university and improve the quality of its outputs.


Excellence in applying comprehensive quality assurance systems and standards.


Continuous development through follow-up, supervision and support to ensure the achievement of quality practices in the university’s performance and work to develop skills.


The first objective: to ensure the achievement of national and international institutional and programmatic quality standards. The second goal: developing the skills of faculty members at the university. The third goal: To complete the services of the Deanship of Development and Quality. Fourth Objective: Continuous development of performance in various axes at the institutional level. Fifth Objective: Achieving efficiency in investing the resources available in the Deanship.

Laws and Regulations

Regulation Name \ System Download
User's guide for the digital platform My Skills for faculty members
User's guide for the digital platform My Skills for faculty members
User's guide for the My Skills platform to register in the workshops with easy system


Organization Structure

Dean's word

The Deanship of Development and Quality at the University of Tabuk works to implement comprehensive quality systems in all sectors of the university, planning, implementation, follow-up and evaluation. This is in order to improve the educational process and achieve excellence in the academic work system (institutional and program) at the university in light of the vision of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (2030) and to ensure the highest levels of quality in all university outputs, and to face the rapid progress in the requirements of the working life of graduates, and to serve and develop the local community in the Tabuk region And then achieving the university's goals and strategic goals that it approved in its strategic plan. The Deanship of Development and Quality at the University of Tabuk works to achieve quality as a continuous life message and not a phased process that ends with a specific term.
Dean Doctor: Riyadh Abdulrahman Al Zahib





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توصيف الخبره الميدانيه-عربي

التقرير السنوي للبرنامج-عربي

Course report-AR

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طلب التقدم للاعتماد البرامجي

التقدم بمهام استشاريه

Achievements of the Deanship

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