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Deanship of Research and Graduate Studies

Deanship News

About Deanship

The Deanship of Postgraduate Studies was established based on the decision of His Excellency the President of the University on 1/12/1429 AH, and the Deanship began - since the founding decision - to seek to establish basic rules for work, so it set out to prepare and organize the regulations and laws governing its work, and designing the necessary forms to facilitate its tasks, in addition to that. The Deanship began by introducing a number of postgraduate programs, namely: Master of Hadith and its Sciences, Master of Interpretation and Sciences of the Qur’an, Master of Arabic Language, Master of Curricula and Teaching Methods, Master of Administration and Educational Planning, Master of Measurement and Evaluation, Master of Education, Master of Clinical Psychology, Master of Special Education, Master of Mathematics, Master of Mathematics, Business Administration. (Executive) Master of Information Security (incl.) Master of Data Science. (Incl.) MSc in Artificial Intelligence. (Incl.) MSc Electrical Engineering. Renewable Energy and Sustainability Track. (Incl.) Master of Engineering Management. (Incl.) MSc in Toxicology and Forensic Sciences. (Incl.) MSc Medical Physics. (Paid) The Deanship of Postgraduate Studies has been striving since its inception to consolidate the principle of cooperation and establish academic partnership with all academic and administrative institutions of the university, especially those that work in developing future plans and strategies, and in implementing its various programs. Cooperation is not limited to the university's faculties and departments only, but rather goes beyond them to reach national universities And regional institutions in order to supplement its nascent experience with solid experiences that it draws from the originality of some national academic institutions to base their programs on a firm, strong and deep-rooted reference. The Deanship of Postgraduate Studies has been in succession since the date of its inception, a number of deans are: 1 / His Excellency Prof. Dr. Awaid Hammoud Al-Atwi 1430-1431 H 2 / His Excellency Prof. Dr. Muhammad Al-Juhani 1431-1432 H 3 / His Excellency Prof. Dr. / Attia Muhammad Al-Dafify Al-Atwi 1432-1434H 4 His Excellency Dr. Jamal Hamza Madani 1434-1435 H 5 / His Excellency Dr. Muhammad bin Abdullah Asiri 1435-1438 H 6 / His Excellency Dr. Ahmed Bin Salim Al-Masoudi 1438-1441/12/19 6 / His Excellency Dr. / Ayed bin Ali Al-Balawi 12/21/1441


Excellence in the field of education, scientific research, and community service in all graduate programs.


Providing distinguished postgraduate programs to graduate cadres of qualified individuals with knowledge, capabilities and skills to meet the needs of society and development aspirations in accordance with a distinguished administrative educational environment that supports creative research.


1- Creating and developing distinguished graduate studies programs that meet the needs of the labor market.
2- Upgrading the level of research in graduate studies programs that reflect the priority of the local and regional community.
3- The effective contribution of the Deanship of Postgraduate Studies to community service.
4- Development of electronic services for the beneficiaries of the Deanship of Graduate Studies.
5- Upgrading the capabilities and skills of the academic and administrative cadres at the Deanship of Postgraduate Studies. 6- Creating new sources of income and improving financial efficiency at the Deanship of Graduate Studies.

Laws and Regulations

Regulation Name \ System Download
Regulations for scientific research and innovation in universities
Conditions for research funding programs from the university for the academic year 2023
The regulating rules and internal procedures applicable in institutional finance
The regulating rules and internal procedures applicable to research funding for the year 1441
Regulations of the Deanship of Scientific Research for the year 1442
Research Funding Programs 2021
Establishing directed research group
The regulating rules and internal procedures applicable to research funding for the year 1443
The regulating rules and internal procedures applicable to research funding for the year 1444
Definitions of scientific research items for supported research projects, version 1443 AH and before
The regulations postgraduate studies in universities and their executive rules

Organization Structure

Dean's word

On behalf of the members of the Deanship of Research and Graduate Studies at the University of Tabuk, I would like to welcome you to the website of the Deanship, hoping that you will find all the information that interests you within the various scientific research and Graduate Studies domains. Our goal in the deanship is to make all facilities and services available for faculty members, researchers, and postgraduate students. In the deanship, we continuously seek, as a working team, to establish strategic priority projects to advance the research movement and enhance the university's reputation locally and internationally, by strengthening research partnerships, investing in research and innovation, and exchanging expertise and experiences between scientific research institutions locally and globally.
Dean Doctor: Othman Alzahrani





Forms Count (31)
Form Name Form Preview Download The Form

A form for facilitating the assignment of a researcher from outside the University of Tabuk

A form for facilitating the assignment of a researcher from inside the University of Tabuk

Solidarity Form

A commitment form to pay the dues of participating researchers and consultants

.A form of Excess amounts commitment

Form of Research project follow-up

Form of Research project modification

Form of Research project extension

Additional opportunity form

Study postponement request form

Admission postponement request form

Study withdrawal form

Report of the discussion and judging committee on the thesis

Graduation form

Passing theses after the discussion

Research plan evaluation form

Academic thesis evaluation form

The form of The supervisor’s report on the validity of the research project and its approval for discussion

The form of The supervisor’s report on the validity of the Academic thesis

Degree adjustment form

Form of disclaimer from university

Form for requesting an apology for a semester

Form of Collaborating researcher

Guide to establishing research groups (1)

Form of discussion committee report

Visiting Researcher

Procedural guide for contracting with human resources

Procedural controls regulating the process of securing device management

Human Resources Contracting Application Form

Request form for securing equipment for a research project

Equipment Delivery Minutes Form

Achievements of the Deanship

Contact Us

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