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Unit name : Quality and Accreditation Unit

About the unit


     The Quality and Accreditation Unit at the English Language Center includes two main departments: Strategic Planning and Academic Accreditation. The unit's efforts are focused on developing the center by striving to achieve quality assurance and obtaining the center's academic accreditation. This is in addition to preparing and implementing the strategic plan of the center.  

Unit tasks


The most important tasks and responsibilities of the Quality and Accreditation Unit are the following:

Preparing and implementing the strategic plan for the English Language Center in line with the strategic plan of the University of Tabuk and the Kingdom's Vision 2030. Also, carrying out business and administrative procedures aimed at achieving quality and accreditation in the center. As well as carrying out other administrative tasks such as coordination and communication with the responsible authorities such as the office of the director of the center, the Deanship of the University for Development and Quality, and local and international bodies to approve the English language programs in order to achieve the goals of the promising unit.

Unit goals


        The main objectives of the Quality and Accreditation Unit are:


  • Development of the English Language Center at the University of Tabuk.
  • Continuous improvement of the performance of the English Language Center for the development of Tabuk University employees in the English language and the Tabuk region in general.
  • Achieving quality, excellence and academic accreditation at the English Language Center in order to achieve the center's vision: "Excellence in the English language and its teaching."
  • Coordination with other units in the center to enhance its role towards the local community and work to spread positive values ​​in the center and society.  
  • Developing the University of Tabuk by contributing and participating with the development and quality units at the university to prepare institutional studies that contribute to the development of university education and to develop solutions to address the challenges facing the university

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