الصفحة الرئيسية

كلية الهندسة \ الهندسة المدنية

أنيس أحمد بنمسعود

نسبة اكتمال الملف الشخصي
الجنسية التونسية
التخصص العام هندسة مدنية
التخصص الدقيق هندسة مصادر المياه
المسمى الوظيفي أستاذ مساعد
الدرجة العلمية (المرتبة) دكتوراه

نبذه مختصرة

Dr Anis Ben Messaoud, Assistant Professor at the College of Engineering, University of Tabuk, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia since 2015, teaching in Civil engineering department The research work is focused on water treatment and seawater desalination using renewable energy

المؤهلات العلمية

October 2009 : PhD Hydraulic Engineering, National Engineering School of Tunis (ENIT, Tunisia), and PhD Process engineering and Environment, National Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA –Toulouse, France), Thesis title : “ Experimental study and modeling of water disinfection in UV-reactor December 2000: MSc, Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering, National Engineering School of Tunis, ENIT Tunisia Thesis title : “Modeling the flow of Oued Medjerda and development of flood maps National Engineering Diploma (Bachelor) in Civil Engineering, National Engineering School of Tunis ENIT, Tunisia

الاهتمامات البحثية

Water treatment, Renewable energy application in water desalination, Water UV-disinfection

الخبرات والمناصب الإدارية

Graduation Projects and Scientific Research Committee, Coordinator Laboratory Committee, member (2016- 2018) Department Accreditation Committee, member (10/2015- 2016) Head of Infrastructure and Environment Department The Higher Institute of Environmental, Urban Planning and Construction Technologies, University of Carthage, Tunis 2012-2015

الجدول الدراسي
الأبحاث والمؤلفات
  •  Ben Messaoud Anis, Shayeb Hedi, Pic Jean-Stéphane, Cockx Arnaud “Ultraviolet dose distribution in different water disinfection reactors: experiments and modeling, ISESCO Sciences and Technology Vision, volume 4, number 5, May 2008, pp 2-7
  •  Ben Messaoud Anis, Shayeb Hedi, Cockx Arnaud, « Complementary wastewater treatment for urban reuse», 1st international congress on“urbustic, Hammamet, Tunisia, 09-12 march 2008
  •  Cockx, D Lodié, D Camilo, A Ben Messaoud, J Morchain, “Modelling of a UV reactor by an Eulerian and a Lagrangian CFD approach » European congress of chemical engineering and applied biotechnology ECCE9 | ECAB2 World Forum, The Hague, the Netherlands 21-25 April 2013
جوائز التميز
  • June 1999 : Bachelor ADENIT Award
  • October 2009: PhD, Honours CMCU Fellowship Tunisia-France
المشاريع البحثية
معلومات التواصل
البريد الإلكتروني : amasud@ut.edu.sa