الصفحة الرئيسية

محرر المحتوى

Dr. Manimurugan Shanmuganathan



International Journals:


  1. C.Narmatha, P.Manimegalai and S.Manimurugan. “A Decode Technique of MSI for Efficient Reconstruction Process”, International Journal of Engineering & Technology, Vol. 7, No. 3.6, Pp.110-114, 2018. ISSN: 2227-524X. (Indexed in Scopus).
  2. C.Narmatha, P.Manimegalai and S.Manimurugan. “A Grayscale Image Hiding Encode Scheme for Secure Transmission”, Current Signal Transduction Therapy, ISSN: 2212-389X (Online), ISSN: 1574-3624 (Print). (Accepted waiting for publishing). (Indexed in Clarivate Analytics and Scopus).


  1. C.Narmatha, P.Manimegalai and S.Manimurugan., “A Lossless Compression Scheme for Grayscale Medical Images Using a P2-Bit Short Technique”, Journal of Medical Imaging and

Health Informatics Vol. 7, No. 6, Page 1196–1204, October 2017. (Indexed in Thomson Reuters and Scopus).


  1. C.Narmatha, P.Manimegalai and S.Manimurugan., “ The Secure Lossless Compression Scheme for Grayscale Medical Images Using PBT and Modified Steganography”, Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, Issue. 03-Recent Trends in Engineering and Managerial Excellence, Pp. 96-103, May 2017. ISSN:1943-023X (Indexed in Scopus). http://jardcs.org/abstract.php?archiveid=357.
  2. Saad Al-Mutairi, S.Manimurugan, “The clandestine image transmission scheme to prevent from the intruders”, International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences, Vol 4, No 2, Pages: 52-60, 2017. ISSN: 2313-626X.  (Indexed in Thomson Reuters).


  1. Saad Al-Mutairi, S.Manimurugan, “An Efficient Secret Image Transmission Scheme Using Dho-Encryption Technique”, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, Vol. 14, No. 10, pp 446-460, October 2016. ISSN: 1947-5500.  (Indexed in Thomson Reuters).
  2. S.Manimurugan and Saad Al- Mutari, “A Novel Secret Image Hiding Technique for Secure Transmission”, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Vol.95. No.1, pp. 166-176, January 2017. ISSN: 1992-8645, E-ISSN: 1817-3195.  (Indexed in SCOPUS) 


  1. S.Manimurugan and C.Narmatha., “Secure and Efficient Medical Image Transmission by New Tailored Visual Cryptography Scheme with LS Compressions”, International Journal of Digital Crime and Forensics (IJDCF), Volume 7, Issue 1, Pp 26-50, 2015. (Indexed in SCOPUS and ACM Digital Library). ISSN: 1941-6210.


  1. S.Manimurugan., K.Porkumaran., C.Narmatha ., “The New Block Pixel Sort Algorithm for TVC Encrypted Medical Image”, Imaging Science Journal, Vol. 62 No.8, PP. 403-414, Sep- 2014. Print ISSN: 1368-2199. (Indexed in Thomson Reuters)
  2. S.Manimurugan., C.Narmatha., K.Porkumaran.,“The New Approach Of Visual Cryptography Scheme For Protecting The Grayscale Medical Images”, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Vol. 69, No.3, pp. 552-561, Nov. 2014. ISSN 1992-8645. (Indexed in SCOPUS)
  3. S.Manimurugan., Nadhiya Nazzer Khan, Sona Ann Sam.,” Comparison of Various Persuasive Cued Click Points for Image Applications”, International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research, Vol. 2,Issue-3, PP 127-129, March 2014. ISSN: 2321-0869. (ISRA Journals Impact Factor=1.315)
  4. S.Manimurugan., Kesiyamol Varkey, Mereena Achu Thomas.,” A Review: Click-Based Graphical password System”, International Journal of Research in Computer Applications & Information, Vol. 2, Issue 2, pp 01-04, March-April 2014,. ISSN: 2347-5099.
  5. S.Manimurugan., Priya mohan.,Sissy Annamma Johnson,” Handwritten Pattern Recognition- A Survey”, International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 1., Issue 01.,Pp 67-70., March 2014. (ISRA Journal Impact Factor: 2.524)
  6. S.Manimurugan, Anju Sivadasan, Vishnu Mohan.,“Comparison of Different Data Hiding Techniques”., International Journal of Engineering & Technology Research, Vol. 2, Issue 2, PP. 26-30, March – April ,2014. (ISRA Journals Impact Factor=1.315)
  7. S.Manimurugan, Naveen Joshy, Anitt Saji Varghese., “A New Compression Method for Encrypted Images”, International Journal of Research in Computer Application & Information Technology, Vol. 2, Issue 2, March- April 2014, PP 15-19.
  8. S.Manimurugan., Clare Rani Augustine , Marin Maria David.,” Object Removal- Resolution to scaling Problem”., International Journal of Research in Computer Application & Information Technology, Vol. 2, Issue 2, March- April 2014, PP 10-14.
  9. Merin varghese, Sherin chacko thomas and S. Manimurugan.,” A Comparison on Different Image Completion Methods”., Oriental Journal Of Computer Science & Technology., Vol. 7, No. 1., Pp. 99-104, April 2014.
  10. Manimurugan. S, Jobin Alex, Vishnu Benny, “Hand Written Text Recognition Using Neural Networks”, International journal of innovative Research and Studies, Vol.3, Issue 4, Pp. 97-106, April 2014, ISSN 2319-9725.


  1. AthiraB.Kaimal, S.Manimurugan, Devadass C.S.C, “Image Compression Techniques: A Survey”, International Journal of Engineering Inventions (IJEI)., Vol. 2 , Issue 4 , Pp. 26-28, Feb.2013.
  2. S.Manimurugan., Asha Susan Prakash., C.Anand Deva Durai., ”Image Introducing Qam For Removing Reflection And Distortion From Un-Natural Images”., International Journal of Computer Science and Management Research, Vol 2, Issue 4, April 2013, ISSN 2278-733X.


  1. Manimurugan.S, Asha Susan Prakash, “A Simple Method for Removing Reflection and Distortion from a Single Image”, International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT) Volume 2, Issue 3, Pp. 287-290, September 2012, ISSN: 2277-3754.
  2. B.Alagendran., S.Manimurugan., “A survey on Various Medical Image Compression Techniques”, International Journal of soft Computing and Engineering(IJSCE), Vol. 2, Issue 1, pp.425-428,Mar 2012. ISSN: 2231-2307. ( Impact Factor: 1.224 | ICV- 2012: 6.30 | Global Impact Factor- 2012: 0.345 | 2013: 0.415)
  3. M.JohnJustin., S.Manimurugan, “A survey on Various Encryption Techniques”, International Journal of soft Computing and Engineering(IJSCE), Vol. 2, Issue 1, pp.429-432,Mar. 2012. ISSN: 2231-2307.( Impact Factor: 1.224 | ICV- 2012: 6.30 | Global Impact Factor- 2012: 0.345 | 2013: 0.415)
  4. K.Porkumaran., S.Manimurugan, S., Pradeep P Mathew “An evaluation on Irrevertible compression of Encrypted Image,” International Journal of Computer Applications, Vol.42, No:2, pp.17-20, March 2012. ISSN No. 0975 – 8887.
  5. Manimurugan, S., Boby Jose, “A Novel Method for Detecting Triple JPEG Compression with the Same Quantization Matrix “International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, Vol. 3, pp. 94-97, Mar. 2012.ISSN: 2231-5381. (Global Impact Factor (GIF) value = 0.537, Index Copernicus value = 4.33, Directory of Science Score = 9.99).
  6. John Justin M, Alagendran B., S.Manimurugan., “A Survey on Various Visual Secret Sharing Schemes with an Application”, International Journal of Computer Applications, Vol 41, No.18, pp 6-10, March 2012, ISSN 0975-8887.
  7. Porkumaran, K., S.Manimurugan., Pradeep P Mathew, “An assessment on Irrevocable compression of Encrypted Grayscale Image“, International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (IJSCE), Vol:2, Issue:2, pp.26-29,May 2012, ISSN No. 2231-5381. (Impact Factor: 1.224 | ICV- 2012: 6.30 | Global Impact Factor- 2012: 0.345 | 2013: 0.415)
  8. John Justin M, S.Manimurugan ,  Alagendran B,” Secure Color Visual Secret Sharing Scheme Using Shifting Coefficient with No Pixel Expansion”, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology, Vol: 3(2), pp:3793-3800, April-2012.
  9. B.Alagendran., S.Manimurugan,  John Justin M, “Compression of 3D Medial Image Using Edge Preservation Technique”, International Journal of Electronics and Computer Science Engineering, Vol:1, No:2,pp.802-809,April-2012. (Global Impact Factor (GIF) 2012 – 0.412 | 2013 - 0.526, DRJI Value - 4.91 and Rating – (B+) )
  10. Anju.B, S.Manimurugan., “An Approach to Medical Image Compression Using Filters Based On Lifting Scheme”, IOSR journal of VLSI and Signal Processing ( IOSR-JVSP), Vol.1, Issue 2 ,pp. 09-16,Oct-2012.
  11. S.Manimurugan, Anju.B.,” A Survey on Medical Image Compression”, International Research Journal of Computer Science Engineering and Applications , Vol.1, Issue 1 pp. 62-65, Oct-2012, ISSN No:2319-8672.
  12. S.Manimurugan, Athira B. Kaimal.,” A Tailored Anti-Forensic Approach for Bitmap Compression in Medical Images”., IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE)Volume 5, Issue 1 (Sep-Oct. 2012), PP 01-05.
  13. S.Manimurugan, Athira B. Kaimal.,” A Tailored Anti-Forensic Technique For Digital Image Applications.”, International Journal of Computer Applications, Volume 53, No.9, pp 14-20, September 2012.
  14. S.Manimurugan, Athira B. Kaimal., “A Tailored Anti-Forensic Approach for Digital Image Compression”., International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT), Vol. 2, Issue 3, pp 326-331, September 2012.
  15. S.Manimurugan, N.Ramajayam “Visual Cryptography Encryption for Image-Survey”, International Journal of Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing,. Vol.1, Issue 3, pp-65-74, October 2012.
  16. S.Manimurugan, N.Ramajayam “Visual Cryptography Based on Modified RLE Compression” International Journal of Computer Science and Management Research, Vol.1, Issue 3, pp-390-394, October 2012.
  17. S.Manimurugan,N.Ramajayam “A Pixel-Expansion-Free VCSs Approach Using Simulated Annealing Algorithm” International Journal of Computer Science and Management Research Vol.1, Issue 3, pp-497-501,October2012.
  18. S.Manimurugan,N.Ramajayam “Visual Cryptography Based On Modified RLE Compression without Pixel Expansion” International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology. Vol. 2, Issue 3, pp-135-138, September 2012.
  19. Sruthy George., S.Manimurugan., “Optimal Repeated Frame Compensation Using Efficient Video Coding”., IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering, Vol.6, Issue 1,Sep-Oct. 2012.


  1. S.Manimurugan, and Porkumaran, K.,“Secure Medical Image Compression Using Block Pixel Sort Algorithm”, European Jour. Scientific Research, Vol. 56, pp.129-138, Jul. 2011. ( Indexed in Scopus  from 2006-2012)
  2. S.Manimurugan, and Porkumaran,K., “Fast and Efficient Secure Medical Image Compression Schemes”, European Jour. Scientific Research, Vol. 56, No.2, pp.139-150, Jul. 2011. ( Indexed in Scopus  from 2006-2012)
  3. S.Manimurugan and N. Praveen Kumar, “Restoring Original Image Based on Relation between Neighborhood Pixels”, CIIT Int.journal of Digital image processing, Vol. 3, No 4 (2011), March 2011. http://www.ciitresearch.org/ dipmarch2011.html.
  4. S.Manimurugan and Neethu Rajan, “A Lossless Compression of Medical Image Sequences with Motion Vector Sharing”, CIIT Int.journal of Digital image processing, Vol. 3, No 5 (2011), March 2011.http://www.ciitresearch.org/ dipmarch2011.html.
  5. S.Manimurugan and Neenu Sebastian,”Automatic Detection of Forged Images”, CIIT Int.journal of Digital image processing, Vol. 3, No 5 (2011), March 2011. http://www.ciitresearch.org/ dipmarch2011.html.
  6. S.Manimurugan and SherinSoman, ”Reassembly and Restoration of Cracks in Fragmented Images,” CIIT Int. journal of Digital image processing, March 2011. http://www.Ciitresearch.org /dipmarch2011.html.
  7. S.Manimurugan, and K.Porkumaran,”Improved Compression of Xml Files for Fast Image Transmission “, ICTACT Journal on Image and Video Processing, Vol. 01, Issue: 03, Pp. 150-155, February 2011.


  1. S.Manimurugan, K.Porkumaran, NeenuSebastian, Neethurajan, “A lossless Compression Technique with Forgery Detection”,CIIT Int.journal of Digital image processing,vol 2,No 10,pp.395-400,Oct.2010.
  2. S.Manimurugan, K.Porkumaran, “Novel Approach for Medical image Compression Using Efficient Hybrid Image Coder”, CIIT Int. journal of Networking and Communication Engineering , vol 2,No 10,pp.382-387,Oct.2010.
  3. S. Manimurugan, K. Porkumaran, Sherin Soman., ” Analysis of Reassembly Techniques for Image Fragments”, CIIT Int. journal of Digital image processing, Vol 2, No. 11, Nov.2010. http://ciitresearch.org/dipnovember2010.html.


International Conferences: (including IEEE indexed Conference)


  1. C.Narmatha., P. Manimegalai., and S.Manimurugan, “A LS-Compression Scheme for grayscale image using pixel based technique”,  IEEE international Conference on Innovations in Green Energy and Healthcare Technologies, Vol.1, Pp. 26, March 16-18, 2017, Dr.NGP Institute of Technology, India.  (IEEE indexed)


  1. R.Daya, S.Manimurugan, S.K.B Sangeetha, Priyadharshini and Remyha V.S, “A Novel Steganographic Method for Encrypted Images”, International Conferences on Discrete and Computational Mathematics (ICDCM-2017), Vol. 01, Pp. 101, 16-18 Feb, 2017, paper ID ICCS201, The Gandhigram Rural Institute - Deemed University, Gandhigram, Dindigul District - Tamil Nadu, India.


  1. C.Narmatha., S.Manimurugan, P. Manimegalai., “A Study and Comparison of Different Compression Schemes for Grayscale Images”, 2016 International Conference on Engineering and Technology (ICET),  Vol. 2, pp. 148-152, Karpagam Engineering College, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India on 16 & 17/12/2016.  (IEEE indexed)


  1. S.Manimurugan, C.Narmatha.and Manimegalai., “New Fast and Efficient Secure Compression schemes for medical images based on the time and size”, 2nd International Conference on Knowledge Collaboration in Engineering (ICKCE’15)”, KATHIR College of Engineering, Neelambur, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu,India on 27 & 28/03/2015.  ( IEEE indexed)


  1. S.Manimurugan, C.Narmatha.,”A New Approach for IRIS Image identification using modified contour segmentation”, IEEE international conference on green computing , communication and electrical engineering, Vol-1, PP 206, 6th -8th March, 2014. ( IEEE indexed)


  1. Kaimal, A.B.; Manimurugan, S. ; Anitha, J.”A modified anti-forensic technique for removing detectable traces from digital images”, International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI),Vol-1,pp 1-4, 4-6 Jan. 2013. (IEEE Indexed)
  2. Kaimal, Athira B. ; Manimurugan, S. ; Rajivkumar, J. ; Anitha.,” A new technique for removing forensically detectable traces from digital images”, 7th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control (ISCO), 2013, pp 321 – 324, 4-5 Jan. 2013. (IEEE Indexed)


  1. Manimurugan, S., Pradeep P Mathew “A Review on Irreversible Compression of Encrypted Image,” Proc. 1st International conference Futuristic Trends in Computer Science Engineering & Information Technology, pp. , Jan. 2012.
  2. Manimurugan, S., Boby Jose“A Survey on Various JPEG Compression and Compression Detection Methods,” Proc. 1st International conference Futuristic Trends in Computer Science Engineering & Information Technology, pp., Jan., 2012.


  1. S.Manimurugan, Porkumaran, K.,”A New Fast and Efficient Visual Cryptography Scheme for Medical Image with Forgery Detection”, Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Emerging Trends In Electrical And Computer Technology (ICETECT 2011), pp 594-599,23rd&24th March 2011.978-1-4244-7924-5/11/C 2011 IEEE. (Indexed in Elsevier)
  2. S.Manimurugan, Dr.K.Porkumaran,” Tailored Visual Cryptography Scheme for Gray Scale Image”, IEEE International Conferences on ICSAP 2011, February 26-28, 2011, Singapore. 978-1-4244-9481-1/11/ C 2011 IEEE. (IEEE Indexed).
  3. S.Manimurugan, Dr.K.Porkumaran,” A New Visual Cryptography Scheme for GrayScale Medical Image”, 2011 International Conference on Communication and Electronics Information (ICCEI 2011), Vol-1 ,pp 336-340,February 22-24, 2011, Haikou, China. 978-1-4244-9481-1/11/ C 2011 IEEE. (IEEE Indexed)
  4. S.Manimurugan, N.Praveen Kumar, ”Reconstructing original image by capturing local co-occurrence statistics using particle filter”, proceedings of Int.Conf on “Recent Advances in Technology, Engineering, Management and science (ICRATES-2011)” at Vivekanandha college of Engineering for women on March 4,5 & 6-2011,pp 183-188.


  1. S.Manimurugan,S.NeethuRajan, ”A survey on lossless compression Techniques”, Proceeding of the Int.Conf on “Language development and computing methods” at karunya university,Coimbatore,pp244-247,Dec 2010.
  2. S.Manimurugan, K.Porkumaran, NeenuSebastian,”A survey on Detecting digital forgeries”, Proceeding of the Int.Conf on “Language development and computing methods” at karunya university, Coimbatore, pp253-257,Dec 2010.
  3. S.Manimurugan,SherinSoman,”Image fragmentation reassembly technique: survey“, Proceeding of the Int.Conf on “Language development and computing methods” at karunya university,Coimbatore,pp258-263,Dec 2010.
  4. S.Manimurugan, Immauel John Raja, “Image Compression Using Hybrid Fractal Wavelet Coder” Int.Conf. “INTL-INFOTECH -07” at Haldia Institute of technology, West Bengal, vol.1, pp.371-376, March 2007.

National Conferences:


  1. S.Manimurugan, N.Praveen Kumar,” Reconstructing original image using Markov Models”, proceedings of National conferences on Current Trends in Advanced Computing(CTAC’11) at Kristu Jayanti College of Management and Technology on April 1 & 2 -2011.


  1. S.Manimurugan, Immauel John Raja,“Using modified SPIHT and PIFS image coder”, National Conference “NCVIT-07” at GCT Coimbatore, vol.1,pp.673-677, March 2007.
  2. S.Manimurugan “Lossless and Lossy Image Compression Scheme” National Conference “MEPCOIT’07” at MEPCO, sivakasi, vol.1, pp.152-156, March 2007.​

الخصوصية وملفات تعريف الارتباط
هذا الموقع يستخدم ملفات تعريف الارتباط الخاصة للتأكد من سهولة الاستخدام وضمان تحسين تجربتك أثناء التصفح. من خلال الاستمرار في تصفح هذا الموقع، فإنك تقر بقبول استخدامنا لملفات تعريف الارتباط. الشروط والأحكام.